Bugging Out ?

Homes and Retreats
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Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:16 pm

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by jansman »

Not a case of doing what told. Ever been driving on a bank holiday?
In this Land,where will you run to?Without being a burden/refugee?

I OWN this land. And the resources. I do not like ANY GVT. They do realise though, that a panic in the UK will not be easy to deal with. Hence the Go in, Tune in, Stay in.

London was evacuated in WW2(my Late Dad one of them) Many returned and faced the danger quite soon.
There are many who fantasize about the end of the world and bugging out.

Do a Google and look for Duncan Long and his article about Bug out. Rather enlightening. And it is based on running away in a large country like America.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.

Posts: 13692
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:16 pm

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by jansman »

Duncan Long "backpack fever"
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.


Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

jansman wrote:They do realise though, that a panic in the UK will not be easy to deal with. Hence the Go in, Tune in, Stay in.
Hey if you own your land and have the resources then you're quite right, me I rent a flat with a reasonable garden, there's neither the space nor the resources to stay, I'll be heading for a boat and going nomad.

The government do indeed realise that the UK will be hard to 'deal with' which is why they'd like to know that the majority of the population will stay put, be nice and peaceable and they'll know where they are, so much easier to control people in that situation, much like the WW's (my grandmother was evacuated too and returned to the East End of London after having my Mum). Me, I'll be off theirs and anyone elses radar.

It'll be adois old world hello new one, and Duncan Long, I'm sorry but Americans really aren't any kind of figures to follow in a UK scenario (if ever).

(Just my personal opinion of course and quite happy as usual to take whatever flak is necessary.) :D
Posts: 13692
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:16 pm

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by jansman »

Going "nomad".= refugee. Have you read/watched "The Road"? Read any Ragnar Benson?
IF the situation came to that-fair enough. But right now If I were any of you I would concern myself with economic collapse- far more likely at the moment.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.


Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

No - Yep/Yep & Yep

Nomad isn't refugee, it's moving from resource to resource, sister lives in Egypt and her Bedouin friends would be horrified to hear you call them refugees lol :D

Not alot I can do about an economic collapse, but if the s goes to the wall and I don't have the resources or space where I am, I'm off to find them and get on as I can, done it for 6 years of my life won't be that frightening nowdays.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Bear86 »

You keep talking about a boat is this a small boat you are going to keep swapping meaning pirating or do you have a boat specifically prepared for a bug out situation and your going to pretend to be Captain Nemo.

As its a fine line between refugee and nomad?

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

Grow up bear86 :roll:

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Bear86 »

Chef wrote:Grow up bear86 :roll:
Me grow up your the one who has plans of going down to the local harbor in the middle of a disaster and sailing out to see flying the jolly roger and trying to make it to Egypt. How many stops is that what if you run into trouble there will be no Coast Guard.

Im just having trouble absorbing your plan it seems reckless all i can imagine is you dancing to the song this is the love boat drifting out to see

And stealing boats is pirating which would make you no better than a looter breaking into someones house to steal their supplies or a car jacker, what if they were going to use the boat.

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Chef »

Who the fluck would want to go to Egypt, I said my sister lives there????

I'd be sailing round the British coast for as long as poss and if it was too bad over here heading over the channel, yeah I have a harbour full of boats, I also have alot of friends with boats in that harbour, no I don't have a boat ready stocked, and btw Nemo sailed a SUBMARINE not a boat!

Re: Bugging Out ?

Post by Bear86 »

Chef wrote:Who the fluck would want to go to Egypt, I said my sister lives there????

I'd be sailing round the British coast for as long as poss and if it was too bad over here heading over the channel, yeah I have a harbour full of boats, I also have alot of friends with boats in that harbour, no I don't have a boat ready stocked, and btw Nemo sailed a SUBMARINE not a boat!
My apologies when you said off to find them i assumed your meant you sister who you said was in Egypt. As long as your just sailing round the coast you should be fine. Just promise me you will take a warm coat :)

I know Nemo sailed a submarine, i meant his mentality has he designed the submarine to stay out at see forever and be able to resupply the submarine at see and never make contact with land again.