What Preps are you doing this week

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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Arzosah »

Good luck with that, Nick, tricky, but a good problem to have, if you know what I mean! I'm just starting initiatives locally - had decided to go to my local shooting club on Tuesday (I was reminded because a friend in my profession has just trained to become an instructor!) but there's also a parish meeting about extra houses - a protest meeting, as they're taking a special-interest green site.

12mp82 (can't pronounce that in my head!) - 400 lumens! That sounds fantastic, specially for such a tiny one. I'm half-regretting the maglite I bought today now ... have you tried it yet?

Bought a maglite, yep, with a belt holster. Plus some more ibuprofen and paracetemol.

Bad news on my radio course - I was the only person who was going for it, so they won't be doing it, of course.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Chrysallis »

Hello all

Wilkins*n's have a tiny LED wind-up torch keyring, £1.50, now part of my EDC. Pretty bright light for it's size, and no batteries needed. In camping equipment.

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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by 12mp82 »

Arzosah wrote: 12mp82 (can't pronounce that in my head!) - 400 lumens! That sounds fantastic, specially for such a tiny one. I'm half-regretting the maglite I bought today now ... have you tried it yet?
twelve m p eighty two ;)

It really is very good, I took it out and shone it down the road, and it can be seen on the side of a house about 50ish metres away when on tight beam, close range ( 6 ft) on flood beam it is about 5ft wide. down the garden to the shed is about 50ft and it is about 12ft wide flood beam.

I have a 3D cree/LED maglight as well, that is a real beast :lol:
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Chrysallis wrote:Hello all

Wilkins*n's have a tiny LED wind-up torch keyring, £1.50, now part of my EDC. Pretty bright light for it's size, and no batteries needed. In camping equipment.

Bought two of those ages back.... One is clipped to my workbag, the other in my possibles pouch (that I use camping). Great lights for the money

My preps include getting a set of 'pre-owned' plastic shelves home and (hopefully) setup
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by tshw1973 »

Put a terrace in my vegetable patch. Started a compost heap. Planted some rhubarb in the garden. Also cleaned the greenhouse getting it ready for this years vegetables.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by tacticalprepper »

My preps this week have been tweeking my 72 hour bag. I've come a long way, but still have a long way to go. The hardest decision is how I'm going to use the bag, whether it be as a bug out bag, a get home bag, a not coming home bag etc; because the different ways of using it depend on what I need to carry. For example, as a 72 hour kit its unlikely I'll need a tent because I keep the bag in my car so I would sleep in the car. But as a BOB or a not coming home bag, a tent would be a better option of a more sustainable way of living because eventually the car will run out of fuel.
Other decisions have been raised about some of the items I will include. My thread on 'knifes and the law' explains that I can't carry around my Gerber Prodigy knife because it would not be legal to do so - meaning that I've had to make the decision to leave out what could be a very valuable piece of kit.
I also started a thread listing all of the gear that is inside my 72 hour kit and there has been a lot of positive contributions. I'm currently looking at buying a OS map to carry in the bag, along with some incredibly helpful advice from some of the forum members.
MRE's are a big priority for me. With limited space in my bag, I can't afford to carry around anything that's deemed unnecessary and in my eyes, a way of heating food is just that - unnecessary, taking up valuable space. For that reason I have decided to go with the idea of MRE's that I can eat cold, again, some very good advice on what to choose on a budget.
All in all, its been a good week. I've learned a lot and hopefully I have given a lot to the great community which exists at UK-Preppers.
Big thanks to all those involved :D

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by mogs »

example, as a 72 hour kit its unlikely I'll need a tent because I keep the bag in my car so I would sleep in the car. But as a BOB or a not coming home bag, a tent would be a better option of a more sustainable way of living because eventually the car will run out of fuel

If you are keeping BOB in car could you not keep your tent in car also incase it turned into a not coming home kit?
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by tacticalprepper »

mogs wrote:example, as a 72 hour kit its unlikely I'll need a tent because I keep the bag in my car so I would sleep in the car. But as a BOB or a not coming home bag, a tent would be a better option of a more sustainable way of living because eventually the car will run out of fuel

If you are keeping BOB in car could you not keep your tent in car also incase it turned into a not coming home kit?
Good point! I have thought about the idea before amongst other things. I was going to split my kit up into separate parts so I could have one bag for first aid, one for food, one for water, one for shelter, one for fire, one for tools etc. Then I thought, what if I had to abandon the car in a hurry? Instead of one bag, I now have loads.
That aside, I could still take the tent but in all honesty I may include a small tarp in the bag instead. Still playing around with ideas :lol:
Thank you for the suggestion though, I will bear it in mind :D
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Puffpuffmew »

Having been ill with the lurgy for 6 weeks now, I'll attempt to re-stock some of the food stores and medicines that I have been consuming. Oh and work out how to use my swanky new emergency radio, and read my new self sufficiency book that I got for my birthday 2 weeks ago but have been too sick to play with :S
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by junmist »

brought myself a heated travel mug that plugs into the car ciggy lighter in case i get stuck in traffic again :D
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