Planting 2012

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Re: Planting 2012

Post by gadgetguy »

Well today was the first time i've planted anything :D

I have put in some tatties,carrotts,peppers,parsnips,tomatoes,cucumber and some salady types leaves :D

All in my greenhouse which i've had for 3 years and not used :oops: once things start popping up i can thin them out and replant/move elsewhere.
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Re: Planting 2012

Post by gadgetguy »

Tthought I'd had posted this last night :?

Anyway yesterday for the first time I planted some veg in my green house that I haven't used since I moved in here almost three years ago :oops:

I planted everything in pots or bags as follows

Potatoes,carrots,parsnips,tomatoes,onions,sweet peppers,strawberries,cucumber lettuce and land cress :D

Hopefully this is successfull and the first of more to come :)
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Re: Planting 2012

Post by gadgetguy »

My tatties have started to come up ,onions going great guns salad stuff going well too tomatoes just started to pop their heads up as well i'm chuffed at my first attempt lets hope it all goes well. :)

Re: Planting 2012

Post by Tocsin »

I've had tatties in buckets in the green house which were put outside a couple of days ago, as the shaws come through I top them up again. I'm going to start 2nd earlies over the weekend. Started courgettes from seed a few weeks ago in the greenhouse, they've come on really quick and I transplanted them into bigger pots this week. Bought 6 tomatos plants (haven't had much success up in the Borders growing them from seed) and they're coming along nicely. Planted peas kept from last year's crop in toilet rolls in the greenhouse, only a few coming through yet, not sure how good the germination will be. Lettuce and raddish in pots in the greenhouse in March, came up in the good weather but not liking the colder weather now, they're stopped growing at the moment. Onion sets going out in the garden this coming week and going to plant garlic from last year's bulbs.
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Re: Planting 2012

Post by itsybitsy »

The weather here has been shocking, and continues to be so. I have got nothing in at all. Motivation is at a low ebb right now. :(
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Re: Planting 2012

Post by diamond lil »

Same here :evil:

Re: Planting 2012

Post by i_am_jim »

i have carrots, leeks, onions, garlic, peas, beans, potatoes, beetroot, parsnips, strawberries, raspberries, black/redcurrants, blueberries, red/green gooseberries, rhubarb. all growing outside at the moment and i have butternut squash, pumpkins (normal and atlantic giant), courgettes, sweetcorn and tomatoes in my green house getting ready for planting out. i am growing some heritage spuds called highland burgandy they have pink skin and a pink core with a white ring. grew them last year they tasted fantastic. pink roast tatties, pink chips, pink mash!!. and i have a few heritage varieties of carrots, purple,white,yellow,red. thought i'd give them ago makes a change to boring orange carrots.
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Re: Planting 2012

Post by diamond lil »

My god you must have a hell of a better climate than me ! I havent got a single thing in yet, its been icy rain and night time temps of 1-3C for the last three weeks, and this weekend its been sunny but its trying to snow. Not even got a tattie in yet :evil:

Re: Planting 2012

Post by preppingsu »

Most of my stuff is still in the greenhouse. We have some potatoes in, carrots, cabbage and spinach but it's so wet and cold I'm not putting anything else out yet.
Trouble is I can't move in the greenhouse for pots with seedlings in!
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Re: Planting 2012

Post by hobo »

Potatoes starting to appear (about time too!) as are the peas. Onions and garlic doing ok. Lots of tomatoes coming up indoors, along with peppers, chillis and herbs.
Reckon I'll put up the 6' x 4' plastic greenhouse (in addition to larger glass greenhouse) on the allotment to help grow things this year - in anticipation of another lousy summer :(
After today's rain I'll be sowing more of the above, get some carrots and beans in and trying out some more unusual plants such as valerian and evening primrose....