Does anyone use CB?

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Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by Malthouse »

A slightly more relevant form of Ham is Raynet, these are radio operators whos hobby is specifically to set up comms in emergency situations.
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Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by lee3 »

Ditto @ steveo82 :D
And thanks Malthouse
Have been looking at baofengs 5R
Surprisingly cheap seems versatile and a lot of good reviews .... considering the price!
Would this be able to receive/transmit on 146.120? (I do understand licensing is required ...before I get told off)
I'm in area 1
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Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by Malthouse »

Absolutely! I have a Boafeng and use it for work its that good.

That model will do that frequency very hapily, you dont even need to program it just key in the numbers and away you go. :)

As for licensing, if the PTB here agree then I can set up a private frequency that does not require a ham license. Obviously anyone can listen to the others.
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Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by lee3 »

Sounds interesting ..... Would soon find out if there are other preppers in the neighbourhood lol
Ears on PTB?
Am I right in thinking that the baofeng can't monitor the CB wavelength?
And thanks for your help
I'm in area 1

Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by Rearfang »

Now I have a few radios and was looking at the baofeng but was wondering what the best freq would be to set it to for post shtf
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Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by Malthouse »

VHF and UHF radios like the Boafeng will not do CB no.

There is no single go-to frequency, just a long list of possibilities. Like SAR frequencies, Ham calling frequencies, trying repeaters to see if they are still working, etc etc....
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Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by Steveo82 »

Malthouse wrote:Absolutely! I have a Boafeng and use it for work its that good.

That model will do that frequency very hapily, you dont even need to program it just key in the numbers and away you go. :)

As for licensing, if the PTB here agree then I can set up a private frequency that does not require a ham license. Obviously anyone can listen to the others.
Would we be able to send text messages on this channel?
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Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by Malthouse »

In theory, but the equipment strays outside of the budget end of pricing.

Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by preppingsu »

OK, here's the question (or questions)...

How would we organise a CB frequency as a means to chat to and inform other preppers and as a communication means in the event of a serious problem?

What is the cheapest but best CB that we could use for this?

I know nothing about CB so if we wanted something like this as an extra to the Emergency Network I need to learn and focus on the pros and cons.
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Re: Does anyone use CB?

Post by Malthouse »

The trouble with CB is that everyone and his dog has access to it, so we will struggle to find any single channel that is routinely clear for us.

The setups are cheap enough, generally less than 100 quid all up for a serviceable radio and antenna which can either be fixed or fitted to a vehicle.

Cheaper, more secure and with less interference would be a "business radio" frequency. With handheld radios from China being available for under 40 quid. Yet offer much of the same functionality as government agencies have been using for decades.