What are we planning to grow this year?

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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by featherstick »

Seriously though, when did you start your sweet peas? Ours are still growing, nowhere near blooming yet.

We are eating baby salad leaves, along with wild rocket and beetroot thinnings from the allotment, and mint and marigolds from the garden, on a daily basis. The cut-and-come-again salad mix has been a great success this year and I now have 4 trays on the go.

Tomatoes are starting to flower, some squash has baby squash on it but the ones on the allotment look pretty poor, I clearly put them out too early. Lesson learnt.

Czar butter beans, sweetcorn, onions, all going strong, redcurrants and strawbs ready, spuds looking good, transplanted raspberries putting on good growth. Gooseberries have mildew because I couldn't keep the bed clean and we didn't prune sufficiently. This will be a major focus next year as they are very good when we get a harvest.

Little boy broke the fig tree but the broken bit took so now we have two! The walnut tree is heavy again but I dare say the skwerls will get the lot, they usually do.

Some other odds and sods growing but I've lost interest in the half-row of carrots here, bit of chard there approach. Next year I shall rationalise down to soft-fruit, squash, sweetcorn, and beans. With some spuds. Won't bother with carrots or onions as they'll always be cheap and they don't grow so well up there anyway.

I now have 3 extra beds to play with in the garden due to some landscaping we had done. They still need filling and sieving etc but they offer a lot more potential to grow interesting things at home. A big bit will be lawn but at least there's a Plan B if the council kick us off the plot as I imagine they might one day - the housing developments are getting closer.

It's a good time of year but I'm away for work again for nearly two weeks soon - I dare say it will be a mess again when I come back.
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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by Stasher »

featherstick wrote:Seriously though, when did you start your sweet peas? Ours are still growing, nowhere near blooming yet.

trying to remember, usually we plant the seeds about the same time as the normal beans. We did have a mouse invasion in the greenhouse so we 're-sowed' and propagated in the dining room BUT we have had phenomenal sun this summer and alpha male is diligent about watering during hot periods

We are eating baby salad leaves, along with wild rocket and beetroot thinnings from the allotment, and mint and marigolds from the garden, on a daily basis. The cut-and-come-again salad mix has been a great success this year and I now have 4 trays on the go.

ditto, but our mint is always slow to come, getting prepared for the great mint sauce prep day soon

Tomatoes are starting to flower, some squash has baby squash on it but the ones on the allotment look pretty poor, I clearly put them out too early. Lesson learnt.

Czar butter beans, sweetcorn, onions, all going strong, redcurrants and strawbs ready, spuds looking good, transplanted raspberries putting on good growth. Gooseberries have mildew because I couldn't keep the bed clean and we didn't prune sufficiently. This will be a major focus next year as they are very good when we get a harvest.

some strawbs, but nothing major, the fruit cage is still ripening, the red currants are going to be first

Little boy broke the fig tree but the broken bit took so now we have two! The walnut tree is heavy again but I dare say the skwerls will get the lot, they usually do.

Some other odds and sods growing but I've lost interest in the half-row of carrots here, bit of chard there approach. Next year I shall rationalise down to soft-fruit, squash, sweetcorn, and beans. With some spuds. Won't bother with carrots or onions as they'll always be cheap and they don't grow so well up there anyway.

Ditto, ours all went corey

I now have 3 extra beds to play with in the garden due to some landscaping we had done. They still need filling and sieving etc but they offer a lot more potential to grow interesting things at home. A big bit will be lawn but at least there's a Plan B if the council kick us off the plot as I imagine they might one day - the housing developments are getting closer.

It's a good time of year but I'm away for work again for nearly two weeks soon - I dare say it will be a mess again when I come back.

of course it will! :lol: Surely that just adds to the satisfaction?
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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by poppypiesdad »

Thats our winter forage in
34 bales of haylage , 9 bales down on last year mainly due to not using a herbicide this year , and a cold start to the spring

Never mind thats us sorted to just before christmas .

The brambles are growing strong this year and the elderberries are looking good .

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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by diamond lil »

Jansman, your turnips are doing really well, we had one yesterday, cooked in ten minutes and was lovely. :mrgreen:
My lilac is just coming out now, really mad year for weather.
My tatties are too big and bushy, I suspect they're all tops and no tatties.
My onions are pretty slow.
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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by Brambles »

Well the early Peas started under cloches were a great success and as well as providing as much as we wanted fresh, I froze several pounds too. Same with the Autumn sown Broad Beans. Will defo be doing that again.
The Onions have fallen over, so will soon be ready to lift. I have started picking summer squash and french beans. Leeks were planted out lat week. The Winter Squash are coming on nicely with a few flowers and the Pumpkins..I had to get the driving gloves out and start steering them around the plot, oh and I have a Pumpkin. :D Beetroot is lovely, picked some the other night. No.1 son still doesn't like them though. New potatoes are finished, waiting for the maincrops to die off.
Parsnips seem to be doing well.

@featherstick. I decided to concentrate on less varieties in bigger quantity this year for the same reasons. So rather than a bit of this and some of that I plant loads of a few things.
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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by featherstick »

The onions have put on a lot of growth and are nearly ready, Czar have started cropping, patty-pan is cropping but had 3 big squash on it when I got back so may not give more.

Chard is getting going too.

All the stuff I sowed in mid-July is coming up apart from 2 rows of swedes.

Have to dig the spuds this weekend, I'll give some away to neighbours. Found a bag of bought potatoes in the cupboard - had to have words with my wife.....

My F2 Crown Prince squash are now growing away nicely after a rocky start that I mentioned earlier. I will be SO excited if I have found a stable line and can propagate reliably.
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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by jansman »

The tomatoes are coming out of the polytunnel thick and fast. Climbing peas a'plenty. Lettuce, radish and spring onions, great. Courgettes anyone? :lol: loads of spuds and more to come , runner beans on the way,celery too.

And the turnips... We know 'em as Swedes, the Scots say turnips. First time I have grown them, and they are doing well. So are the seeds I sent to Diamond Lil in Scotland it seems. I will grow them again I reckon.

All in all not a bad year up to now.
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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by diamond lil »

I've grow something called "red onions" for the first time, and they have folded over so I take it are ready - but they're not very big. Can I leave them a bit longer or not?
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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by featherstick »

If the leaves have gone over they are ready to lift and need to be dried for a couple of days before storing.
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diamond lil
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Re: What are we planning to grow this year?

Post by diamond lil »

Ok featherstick thanks, will get onto that today.