
Kit, Clothing, Tools, etc

Re: weapons

Post by riversong »

I've come late to this conversation but here goes.

As far as I can see from my scan of the thread, no-one has commented on the OP's original comment that he was stopped and searched.

Why? What put you in a position to be stopped and searched? Were you in a bad area? Do you look like a druggie?
You need to adopt the principle of being a 'grey wo(man)' - Blend in. Don't stand out.
If you are in the wrong place or you just look 'wrong', then even a leatherman could cause you to spend a lot of time answering questions and you don't need it.

As far as crossbows go. I have an 80lb self-cocking pistol bow. Over long distances it is crap. In a SHTF situation and there is a breakdown in Laura Norder, then anyone who breaks into my house will get a bow in the face from 6 foot.

I emphasise - WROL means you really do have to defend yourself. Ensure you know where to bury !!!
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Re: weapons

Post by lonewolf »

depends where you are, wearing camo gear in a city will make anyone stand out, in the countryside its normal working gear. taking a large knife into the city is asking to be stopped and searched. I knew a guy who wore a long leather coat even in the hottest summer, well he was a druggie! horses for courses, temper what you carry with where you are going and what you are doing. for instance, I wouldn't wear any kind of backpack on the London tube..could be mistaken for a suicide bomber! it may be a 1-100 chance but why take the chance?
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yorkshire lad
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Re: weapons

Post by yorkshire lad »

According to the law anything from matches to a gun could be classed as going equipped or illegal carry unless you have a reasonable excuse for carrying it ie your a smoker to you work in pest control. I was once stopped by the police while i was on my way camping and had a lengthy chat with the constable (who was very nice man after the initial what you doing, where are you going.) about the law on carrying knives and axes he said " it all depends on the copper, if he wants to be a dick or he doesn't like the look of you, then he'll arrest you or at best confiscate them BUT you have every right to carry them (while going camping) so long as they're not open carry and are stored in your bag safe, you'll get them back."
I have also had knives confiscated only to have the police return them a few days later with an apology for ruining me and my kids camping trip, ( after my solicitor showed the chief constable a video of how we were treated, always record any stop and search.) remember you have the right to use tools but you also have a responsibility not to scare the poop out of people ;)
Ray Mears couldn't survive in Tesco's and Bear Grylls, is an idiot, you want to be somewhere inbetween- John 'lofty' Wiseman
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Re: weapons

Post by butterbean »

riversong wrote:I've come late to this conversation but here goes.

As far as I can see from my scan of the thread, no-one has commented on the OP's original comment that he was stopped and searched.

Why? What put you in a position to be stopped and searched? Were you in a bad area? Do you look like a druggie?
You need to adopt the principle of being a 'grey wo(man)' - Blend in. Don't stand out.
If you are in the wrong place or you just look 'wrong', then even a leatherman could cause you to spend a lot of time answering questions and you don't need it.
i spend my life trying to blend in, sometimes it can be hard given my size, I'm quite a big bloke and noticeable, i wasn't in a particularly bad area just a normal area, it wasn't the worst place in my home town now was it the best. and no i don't look like a druggie haha thats not quite my style, i don't go for the camp look and i don't go for the chav look of trainers and tracksuits everywhere i go. i guess it was just 1 of those things
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Re: weapons

Post by lonewolf »

I would just like to say, having seen at least 1 person list their "armoury" contents, I don't think this is a good idea on what is basically an open site, its can be "taken down and used against you in a court of law" later!!! :lol: remember OPSEC.
Adapt or Die, there is no middle ground.