Guns,air rifles and weapons

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Re: Guns,air rifles and weapons

Post by Plymtom »

Not that I can do it as I have said but there must be an interest in it so how long ( and I assume it varies widely) is one expected to beat around the bush for £25, it's from interaction here with the resident shooters that I got involved in shooting it's great fun and that is all folks, don't go feeling you're like a "Doomsday Prepper" shooting in all it's forms is a family and friends, community activity go for it!

I can say that city/town folk can be hugely ignorant of country life/pursuits more so than ever, there was an MP today banging on about gun control who openly says he would like to see live shooting outlawed altogether, one asks how out of touch can people be, bearing in mind he represents thousands of them, what do they think would happed if the so called wildlife of our island was not controlled?
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.

Re: Guns,air rifles and weapons

Post by Sheepster »

Beating is normally from 8 ish till 3 ish . You'd be amazed how many people want to do it as jobs are poorly paid here and few and far between. I totally agree with your comments regarding "townies". Your right if we all stopped keeping vermin populations down imagine the damage to crops. The trouble is the majority of people in this country don't see the damage done and don't care as long as their weetabix and milk is on the shelves. Lets face it the shooting community is always an easy target as we are seen as the elite country ya-ya's who drive around in rangerovers shooting any poor fluffy creature that moves. Im definitely not a ya-ya lol, I drive an old discovery and I only shoot vermin and most of that goes in the freezer". I wonder how quickly that stupid MP would change his mind when the pigeons have eaten all the crops, And he cant have his weetabix lol, Oh and the rabbits have out competed the sheep and cows so no lamb or milk. I know Im exaggerating but you know what I mean lol.

Rant over and back to prepping :D

Re: Guns,air rifles and weapons

Post by Rearfang »

My collection
Hw77 air rifle falcon fn12,couple of others a pistol crossbow
Seriously looking at a compound crossbow and reaplying for shot gun licence that I gave up few years back

Re: Guns,air rifles and weapons

Post by survivor_steve »

last year i was beating most saturdays in season from 9am till finish, could be anywhere between 2 and 4pm depending on keepers, they said we wont get paid as you have to pay tax etc etc so a backhander of 20 quid for fee's how they said it was to cover fuel and packed lunch and a brace .
really enjoyed beating and for me it prooved well as i know most the farmers/labourers so when im out shooting i have never had any problems, im known and so is my car... on the + side it was keepers who talked me into getting shotgun license, beaters day is a good crack also... for those that beat through the season they shoot a day for free but last year we was also called upon to cull the cockbirds down a bit, out of the beaters was only me ,2 keepers and 3 farm lads who turned up, was a great day with lots of laughs.... only rules was safety obviously but dont hit the hen birds, now with sun glare it was last minute shots and a memorable day.

prooving yourself a good beater and doing it for the fun worked out well as i get alot of the gamekeepers cast ofs or things for cheap ;-) got a 20 bore hushpower shotgun for 150 quid with loads of carts, got a night vision for the rifle for free, got wax flaks that go round your legs to protect from thorns when beating for free, just got given 3 full decoys, 2 dozen shells with wobble sticks etc and bought a new hide net.

the main thing is i have gained 1200 acres to shoot on, im learning the land and just ring and ask where the problem areas are and thats where i shoot, im an extra set of eyes for the keepers and now class them as personal friends who are only a call away.

no one will ever get rich beating financially but the rewards that could be reaped are for more worthwhile :D sorry if i went on just thought i would give a positive note to those who dont have somewhere to shoot
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Re: Guns,air rifles and weapons

Post by unsure »

ive just got back from shooting clays at mcsc in worsley . its good fun and practice , as been said all ready its about networking . you don`t need a license but you do need an instructor .weather its a friend as in my case or just pay for one of theirs .
YES i walked away mid sentence , you were boring me to death and my survival instincts kick in .
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Re: Guns,air rifles and weapons

Post by londonercsecse »

survivor_steve wrote:last year i was beating most saturdays in season from 9am till finish, could be anywhere between 2 and 4pm depending on keepers, they said we wont get paid as you have to pay tax etc etc so a backhander of 20 quid for fee's how they said it was to cover fuel and packed lunch and a brace .
really enjoyed beating and for me it prooved well as i know most the farmers/labourers so when im out shooting i have never had any problems, im known and so is my car... on the + side it was keepers who talked me into getting shotgun license, beaters day is a good crack also... for those that beat through the season they shoot a day for free but last year we was also called upon to cull the cockbirds down a bit, out of the beaters was only me ,2 keepers and 3 farm lads who turned up, was a great day with lots of laughs.... only rules was safety obviously but dont hit the hen birds, now with sun glare it was last minute shots and a memorable day.

prooving yourself a good beater and doing it for the fun worked out well as i get alot of the gamekeepers cast ofs or things for cheap ;-) got a 20 bore hushpower shotgun for 150 quid with loads of carts, got a night vision for the rifle for free, got wax flaks that go round your legs to protect from thorns when beating for free, just got given 3 full decoys, 2 dozen shells with wobble sticks etc and bought a new hide net.

the main thing is i have gained 1200 acres to shoot on, im learning the land and just ring and ask where the problem areas are and thats where i shoot, im an extra set of eyes for the keepers and now class them as personal friends who are only a call away.

no one will ever get rich beating financially but the rewards that could be reaped are for more worthwhile :D sorry if i went on just thought i would give a positive note to those who dont have somewhere to shoot
Usefull post, thx!
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How to make incendiary pellets

Post by ArethusaF38 »

A neat little trick for turning hollow-point pellets into incendiary pellets: :|
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Re: Guns,air rifles and weapons

Post by diamond lil »

Steve I live in the hills and surrounded by big estates. All the teenage boys in the village help at the beating. One of my sons came home with an almost full bottle of very pricey Scotch once (and he was only 14!) and the other walked off when a "shooter" told him "you call me sir when you talk to me boy" :evil: How the other half live eh !
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Re: Guns,air rifles and weapons

Post by Plymtom »

the other walked off when a "shooter" told him "you call me sir when you talk to me boy" :evil:
Don't let it get you down Lil if it happened to me I'd have been peeing in his petrol tank for months ;) there's good and bad across the classes also known as nobs funnily enough, for the worst of them there's a good deed in giving Karma a helping hand :twisted:
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.

Re: Guns,air rifles and weapons

Post by survivor_steve »

i cant say i have had any bad experiences beating, some travel from scotland to come to the estate, some are pretty local, its amazing how 1 guy can control 5 dogs via whistle, the estate owner is an old boy who when its beaters day,leaves his gun behind and beats/uses dogs to flush game out... yes i guess some can call him a toff, however hes been nothing but a gentleman to me, however if any of the other guns had tried to put me down, a quick word with keepers would see him on bad pegs for the rest of the day :evil:

p.s hes also the one who has to sign my fac section 1 paperwork so im sure i can allow a few days a year with him :D but 99% of my time im working/helping the keepers