My preps for a cashless society

How are you preparing
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My preps for a cashless society

Post by Mally »

How am I preparing? Bear with me here please.
I do consider myself new to prepping. Didn't know sites like this existed for instance.
Now then, for years I always had a good stock of food in just in case. Loads of tins, dried food, a full freezer. This was a fall back, a just in case, for hard times, or if something happens that prevents me getting to the shops.
There would be enough food for around 6-8 weeks for a family.
I would have a water supply just for a few days. But I also had large water containers to fill at short notice. Our area always had problems with the supply.
I had a 2 ring camping cooker and a large gas bottle plus my other camping stoves.
I had a calor gas fire and a gas lantern.
All for back up in non serious situations.
It's now virtually all gone as I now move on to prepping in a different way.
Don't get me wrong! I'd like to have the safety and fall back of the stuff.
So, my rented property is being taken over by my daughter and her family.
I'm moving to Huddersfield to start a new job and I'll be renting a room there.
I've been saving a few quid but hard with all the bills so I'll save quickly while just renting a room. The new job is very well paid too.
I'm gonna save like crazy over the next 6-9 months. Then I'm off.
I'll try to exlain how it will work!
I'm taking 1-2 years out. I'll spend most of this time trying to live without resorting to my cash.
A lot of my time will be spent wwoofing. (Working weekends on organic farms) is a movement established many years ago. It's not just weekends now though. You work 4-6 hours a day for board and lodging. Skills are taught such as coppicing, dry stone walling, animal husbandry etc.
This is one area I'll explore.
I'm also gonna try and get in with HT walking holidays. Where I can lead walkers for my food and accommodation.
Right, this is dragging on a bit now. Don't wanna bore you. I have lots already planned but would take an age to go through it.
This is my prep for an economic collapse or even an economic strengthening where we'll move to a cashless society.
I believe the casless society will come about as everyone will be encouraged to take a microchip in their right hand. This chip will have all your bank details. But also, not being microchipped will mean losing access to health care, housing, jobs and also your own money.
Questions and criticism welcome.
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Re: My preps for a cashless society

Post by Stasher »

Mally this sounds amazing, it's great that you are taking the opportunity to do something you feel passionate about. Learning new skills can only be a good thing and the leap of faith you're taking (with a sensible financial fall back) in my honest opinion is absolutley fantastic. (not sure I agree with the last three lines of your post ;) ) But I think it's marvellous that you've found the motivation to do this. I wish you the very best of luck and look forward to hearing how your new life (or plans for your new life) are progressing.
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Re: My preps for a cashless society

Post by Mally »

Thanks for the words of encouragement Stasher. It's been a long time in the planning but chomping at the bit to get offeven now.
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Re: My preps for a cashless society

Post by Stasher »

I'm really pleased for you. Many years ago I made the 'leap' from high paid employment to a far less financially rewarding life and it's one of the best decisions I have ever made. Making a big lifestyle transition can be scary and filled with doubt and some stress ;) , but if you are following your heart then it will be worth it.

My hat's off to you, if only more people had the guts to change their lives dramatically (for the better) the world would be a far lovelier place. Every best wish
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Re: My preps for a cashless society

Post by Mally »

Thanks Stasher :)
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Re: My preps for a cashless society

Post by izzy_mack »

Wow! inspiring tale, Mally, I really hope it all works out, learning skills is good and new ways of life. You'll no doubt meet all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds and it all sounds exciting. Even if things shouldn't pan out ( and I REALLY hope they do), just the experience would be worth it. As to your cashless society, I know the government would be happy to have that much control over us but I think your underestimating the resistance they would face from Joe public.

Good luck, longing to hear the next chapter, so keep us posted. :)
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Re: My preps for a cashless society

Post by Mally »

Thanks Izzy. I will defo keep you all posted. Pretty new to computers. This is my first (a tablet), but I'm hoping to learn enough begore I go to be able to do a blog and download pics. But even so, I'll be able to post my experiences on the forum.
Regarding the cashlese society, I am absolutely sure that it will meet resistance. But I don't think it will be as much as we might think.
I think there will be a good sell on it and most will think it's a good thing.
Again, thanks for the encouragement
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Re: My preps for a cashless society

Post by Decaff »

Wow! Just wow! That sounds absolutely amazing, what a fantastic life experience that will be. You will be learning so many new skills to take with you through the years ahead. Enjoy every second.

Please do make a journal of your journey just so you don't forget anything.

Best of luck to you!
Behind every great man is an even greater woman. She carried you, raised you and made you who you are.
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Re: My preps for a cashless society

Post by Mally »

Sorry about the typos :)
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Re: My preps for a cashless society

Post by Mally »

Thanks Decaff. That's a good idea. I'll do that. Thanks again.