Big hello from Staffs!

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Big hello from Staffs!

Post by Jimski »

Morning all,

Joined the site and spent the last few hours reading intently and opening various google links/youtube videos! I suppose you could say I've been a basic prepper by definition all my life (a mere 27 years), always thinking about the 'what ifs' and having the right gear/kit for the right job!

Always had Victorinox SAK's, decent torches, the usual!! I kitted the Land Rover out with some bare essentials as soon as I got it, torque wrench, sockets, tow straps, mud tracks, mountain leader first aid kit, a pre cooked wayfayrer meal, gloves/hat, rigger boots etc etc. So you know my mindset already!

Been off work for a few days sick this week and just thought it time to expand the kit a little and have it ready! I suppose I'm looking to have a GHB ready for when the weather really turns (although a Land Rover does help!) and also for when the SHTF!! Although I just like the idea of having a bag packed and ready with stuff for the unknown!

Been bouldering since the start of the year so already got some good basics in a cheapy 35L walking rucksack but it lacks compartments. Will be ordering the 'MIL-TEC MOLLE US ASSAULT PACK' in large/black today as 'the bag', it will be referred to as 'the bag', rather than my ECB or BOB. Its just something that I know is well stocked with all the necessaries. Its almost comforting, knowing its there haha!

Recent additions to my bouldering gear are;
- Esbit pocket stove and fuel
- Water purification tabs
- Small order of waterproof matches, fresnel lens, wetfire tinder packs, new tobacco tins, Lumica mil spec glow sticks and a bigger firesteel!

I'm a bit of a budget torch expert of the CREE variety so any questions please feel free! I know all the ins and outs of the 18650 rechargeable batteries and can highly recommend a few torches from the land of eBay!

Nice to be here!

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Re: Big hello from Staffs!

Post by hobo »

Hello and welcome!

What's your idea of SHTF?

After going to a talk last night by David Malone, author of Debt Generation and blogger at I think the shit is hitting the fan right now - in terms of the economy, privatisation, environment and freedom - like a car crash in slow motion!

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Big hello from Staffs!

Post by pseudonym »

Hello and welcome to the Forum. :)
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Re: Big hello from Staffs!

Post by tigs »

welcome to the forum
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Re: Big hello from Staffs!

Post by Jimski »

hobo wrote:
What's your idea of SHTF?
I suppose to some degree, something that falls outside 'my' normal (loose term) expectations of the day, week, month etc. From heavy snow/flood type issue and not getting home for hours, through to a multi agency disaster affecting the mass populus.

Its hard to pin down my personal perception of the SHTF, but an element of preparedness and forethought takes some of the shock and blind panic from a situation.

One kind of rule for me that was taught at work is the colour coded stages of awareness;

"There’s 4 colours used in the approach, White, Yellow, Orange and Red.

White is when you’re effectively switched off to potential danger. The only way you’re likely to escape a potential attack during this state may be a little luck or the potential ineptitude of your attacker. Have you ever driven to work and not remembered the journey? Oh yeah, you’ve been in this state then.

Yellow is a state of relaxed alertness. Remaining both chilled but with a pinch of alertness to spot possible triggers of a danger ahead. “You’re aware that the world is a cruel place and man is the cruellest of all animals”. OK, a little cynical but you get the message, so when there’s new surroundings and new people then this is a good state to be in.

Orange is when you’ve identified a threat, you step into the orange zone. A situation draws your focus by either verbal or body language. “You’ve already started working on your escape plan, you’re not yet ready to show your cards to a possible threat but you’ve decided which hand to deal”. OK, so I’m writing like a holistic detective but you get the idea, your gun is still in the holster.

Red is the mental trigger you may have already set in code orange, but now it’s activated. You’re prepared to carry out the action which could be flight or to fight."

By definition alone, this forum is full of people that are between the Yellow and Orange stages whilst the rest of the population, generally speaking, are white, all of the time.