Now is the time

How are you preparing

Now is the time

Post by TwoDo »

If you are thinking of getting fruit trees or berry bushes for your garden now is the time to get them in. Most fruit trees and berry bushes are sold bare rooted and the latest you can really get delivery is usually March. More realistically, the time to get them and plant them is now. Soon the big supermarkets will usually start offering currants, raspberrys and gooseberrys and fruit trees (imported from China I think) the quality is not usually that great but the prices are ok. Watch for them in the shops. However, bushes and trees from UK based online tree/bush growers usually compete fairly well on price and the quality and selection of varieties is much better.

It is my belief the most likely near future SHTF scenario is that the wheels will come off the worlds economy one day. No major infrastructure collapse, but all of a sudden things will be worse for everybody and things commonly available now will be unobtainable and there will be global supply issues (google supply chain collapse). If things tank to the extent that the government begins to talk about re-introducing rationing then all of a sudden the country will en-mass remember "Victory Gardens" and decide to "get a veggie garden in". There will be a panic run on everything gardening related. Seeds, tools, plants and anything remotely resembling an edible bush or fruit tree will be swept up and the shelves will be empty in days. There is nowhere near the inventory to supply even one person in fifty deciding to put veggies in this year.

Of course most people super inexperienced and are not going to have much luck growing veggies in the 1 inch of chemical soaked topsoil that is the average lawn. However that will not stop them from trying and, in the process, clearing the shelves.

The point is, when you really need it, what you need may not be available. Fruit trees and soft fruit bushes take a few years to become productive anyways so you should get them now. There just may come a time when the prunes you made from your massively prolific damson tree provide your children with vitamins over the winter.
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Re: Now is the time

Post by poppypiesdad »

Spooky topic , the mother in law has just ordered us a few for the back garden .

Be Prepared.
Plan like its the last loaf on the shop shelves.
Plan like its the last beer in the fridge.
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Re: Now is the time

Post by jansman »

That is a great post TwoDo. And so true. I was in Wilkos this morning,and there werenot enough seed spuds or onion sets to keep a dozen people happy. It is a good reason to save seed where you can too.
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Re: Now is the time

Post by Waterbaby »

I am starting a mini orchard this winter,and (thanks to jansman's suggestion) plan to put a few raspberry canes in.

One thing I was grateful for someone telling me,was to look out for self fertile trees if I plan to have different fruit trees.
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Re: Now is the time

Post by Waterbaby »

I am starting a mini orchard this winter,and (thanks to jansman's suggestion) plan to put a few raspberry canes in.

One thing I was grateful for someone telling me,was to look out for self fertile trees if I plan to have different fruit trees.
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Re: Now is the time

Post by Slazanger »

Waterbaby wrote:I am starting a mini orchard this winter,and (thanks to jansman's suggestion) plan to put a few raspberry canes in.

One thing I was grateful for someone telling me,was to look out for self fertile trees if I plan to have different fruit trees.
How much space do you need for a mini orchard ? The garden is this years big project for me...
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Re: Now is the time

Post by Waterbaby »

Slazanger,one of my major failings js a lack of ability to estimate size (or distance,for that matter) !
All I can say is that by mini,I mean mini -I've just basically by eye assessed that the area put aside for this project will allow probably 4 trees.Its a reasonably big garden compared with the average.
Sorry -not much help I know!

Re: Now is the time

Post by TwoDo »

Tesco's now have fruit trees in stock. Apples, plums, pears and cherrys £8 each - Raspberrys & etc. also. Probably the other chains do as well.
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Re: Now is the time

Post by itsybitsy »

TwoDo wrote:Tesco's now have fruit trees in stock. Apples, plums, pears and cherrys £8 each - Raspberrys & etc. also. Probably the other chains do as well.
Can you offer any advice for growing these in pots as that's my only option right now.
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Re: Now is the time

Post by jansman »

You need big pots. 24" is not too big. They need a good quality compost, mixed with some ( for me) well rotted manure. You will have to water them in well, but do it when there is no risk of freezing for a few days. Because they are trees they will need keeping damp and fed. There are specialist rootstocks for growing in pots. I believe they are called 'Ballerinas'. Regarding raspberry canes etc. they will benefit from similar treatment but are not so needy in my experience. Hope that helps.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

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