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Post by SMUGGZ »

Hi all, not an experienced prepper but the events we have seen over the last few years and arrival of a new born has me making sensible changes and provisions. Making the transition from me me me to being more responsible.

One question for you guys, I might have gone down a rabbit hole but hear me out..
I was watching something saying that potential nuclear warfare will actually not be the apocalyptic event we believe it to be, larger payloads typically wont be used.
When not in the immediate area (I dont live in a city) staying indoors, in the center of the house and being away from windows is key (heatwaves and shock-waves are the danger points).
I've been watching videos of the Ukraine conflict and a lot of houses ect in the areas where the battles are taking place some are still standing.

If there was war, boarding up windows (to prevent shrapnel) seems like a sensible thing to do. I probably want be able to build a bomb shelter or anything, but anyone done any other sensible and easy modifications to prep? Decent door hinges? Replacing old windows? Think thermal curtains? Keeping a small storage of sand bags?
All welcome.

Thanks all :)
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Re: Hello

Post by Arzosah »

Hello Smuggz, welcome to the forum.

So, first, congratulations on the birth of the baby! And rather than nuclear war, limited or otherwise, that's what I think you need to concentrate on. If you do decide to go the extra mile with nuclear precautions, you'll find that in preparing for lots of smaller emergencies that happen more often, you'll have got some things in place already.

The focus needs to be on food, water, hygiene, first aid, some limited power, communications and security. There are lots of threads on here that can tell you about those things - and look for the new people who joined up just before you, there's a lot of good advice.

I've read the same kind of articles about a limited nuclear exchange using the smaller sort of weapons, yes, but anybody who says they *know* what will happen is being unrealistic. Nobody really knows. There are all the above preparations to make, there's refining and learning skills - including growing veg and fruit - and *then* the other things you mention.

So, what might that be? Well, replacing old windows that are leaky etc is a good idea anyway, I did it myself a few months ago, double glazing panes were completely blown. As for adding bulk - are sandbags really a good use of your space and money? Are there any flood prevention techniques that could double for what you're thinking of? I don't know where you are, of course, flood issues might be irrelevant, but they're over much of the UK.

Evacuation? Mandatory billeting? You're right that it's a rabbit-hole.

I'll repeat the list of issues that people are encouraged to focus on: food, water, hygiene, first aid, some limited power, communications, and security. And don't forget to take time to enjoy the newborn! That's what it's really about.
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Re: Hello

Post by jennyjj01 »

SMUGGZ wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 12:24 pm ... anyone done any other sensible and easy modifications to prep?
Hi, and welcome.

Me. no. Well..... A few ffp3 masks and some KI tablets. And lots of cognac.

A limited nuclear exchange with sufficient warning to board up the windows is not on my list of likely scenarios. If it happens, I'll put my head between my knees and kiss my ar53 goodbye. :o :cry:

The risk/reward ratio on much more than that just doesn't seem to cost in. I wonder how many people actually built their inner refuge in the lounge in the 1950 or 60s. Figures everybody put it off till nuclear war started, which luckily it didnt. They'd have been too late, just as I would be.


Sufficient warning? I'm not building a fallout shelter in my lounge till some other poor bugger has needed one. If my four walls can't withstand a blast, then hiding under the table won't do much.

Limited? Too optimistic.

Sandbags? For what will be unlikely to be in time or useful. Noooo.
Graceful Degradation! Prepping's objective summed up in two words. Turning Disaster into Mild Inconvenience by the power of fore-thought

Not Feeling Optimistic. Let me be wrong