a little bit about me

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a little bit about me

Post by fuds »


I'm here because I showed an interest in prepping elsewhere (hiya toughies ;) )and someone kindly forwarded the link to here.

I'm only tentatively dipping my toe into prepping and still right at the beginning. I've started my store cupboard but only really as a way of meal planning. The next, and overwhelming if I'm honest, is the preparing for difficult times. For me I prefer to think about the difficult times in terms of bad weather. Something kind of concrete that I know will no doubt happen although I know (as the Greece difficulties show) we're only as good as our infrastructure and those that run it. So I'm here and have been browsing all weekend as a guest.

I have learned straight away that it would be sensible to get some bottled water in my stores. A pretty obvious thing but something I haven't thought about. :roll:

Re: a little bit about me

Post by preppingsu »

Hello and welcome.
Water is good whether you choose to buy bottled or just simply fill empty 2l pop bottles (after washing and cleaning!). Also the poundshops are selling camping water containers for, well, £1.00. :D
Also consider how you could clean/filter water.

good post here
viewtopic.php?f=43&t=3730&p=41447&hilit ... ing#p41447

an interesting discussion here
viewtopic.php?f=43&t=2458&p=25006&hilit ... ing#p25006

and here
viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2349&p=23650&hilit ... ing#p23650

Just to get you started. Any questions just ask! :D

Re: a little bit about me

Post by wolfpup »

Hi Fuds - and welcome from another newbie

Don't panic about just starting out - we all did once, everyone started out from the point of having nothing and not really knowing where to start. For me it was water (as it appears with you) then I just started by buying a 'buy one get one free' - and putting the 'free' one in the cupboard - it is surprising just how quickly your stores will mount. Just remember the addage "store what you eat - eat what you store".

Make a brew and have a good look around the site - if you have any questions there are lots of very knowledgeable friendly folk here to help you out.


Re: a little bit about me

Post by smileyt »

Hello fuds ;) .
Malamute Mitch

Re: a little bit about me

Post by Malamute Mitch »

Hi and welcome from yet another newbie, :D :D

I thought this was the toughies site :? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Somene gave me this advice not long ago read, read ,read ;) and personal advice would be start with the lds manual, there some links to it somewhere on here, umm where was it again, :lol: :lol: old age,

Its long and daunting but covers all the basics, a few chunks, especially at the beginning, you may wish to ignore. Dip in and out of it at your own pace.

Got to go with what WP says on the food. In a short while you'll only be buying thing s when things are on offer or buy one get one free :D :D :D free prepping. In that way go for things that save you money from the start. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: a little bit about me

Post by Rosesandtea »

Hi and welcome. Realising that difficulties might come, and that you need to be prepared for them (whatever you envision them to be) is the most important step.
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Re: a little bit about me

Post by pseudonym »

Hello and welcome to the Forum. :)
Two is one and one is none, but three is even better.
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diamond lil
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Re: a little bit about me

Post by diamond lil »

Hi Fuds! ;) Just start with a wee bit at a time.

Re: a little bit about me

Post by fuds »

Aw, thanks for the welcome. :)

Re: a little bit about me

Post by archer1958 »

Hi and welcome Fuds :D