
New Members - Introduce yourself, and say a few words


Post by MickyP »

Hi everyone, I thought it was about time I joined up after viewing the forum for a while as a guest. I live near Exeter in Devon, a lovely part of the world apart from during the summer holidays when you can't really get anywhere as the roads are too busy.

As to what got me into prepping ? I'm not really sure that I would be considered a prepper as such, I just like to learn how to do things for myself really. Quite a few subjects discussed on prepping sites also interest me so I have recently found myself reading various prepping sites and forums much to the amusement of my wife who enjoys telling everyone that I have done a "David Ike". I wont be able to offer much in the way of help on what to put in your bug out bag or how to how to fight off a zombie horde but hopefully I will be able to contribute in other areas.

Thanks for having me


Re: Hi

Post by preppingsu »

Hello and welcome to the forum. :D
A little bit of knowledge is no bad thing!

Re: Hi

Post by bulldogeagle »

Hi Micky, i'm about 30 miles West of you( off the A386), welcome. :lol:
Posts: 6382
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Re: Hi

Post by Arzosah »

Welcome! You're probably completely in tune with the majority of the forum - the zombie hordes aren't the *first* thing people seem to prep for :)
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Location: Near Glasgow

Re: Hi

Post by Ferricks »

Very glad you're here!

Re: Hi

Post by MickyP »

Thanks for the welcome. I've just been looking around and there seems to be plenty to keep me occupied for a good while.

Re: Hi

Post by wolfpup »

Welcome from Lancashire
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Location: south yorkshire

Re: Hi

Post by tigs »

hello MickyP
Ready for Anything

http://autonopedia.org/ if still out try facebook https://www.facebook.com/Autonopedia

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Re: Hi

Post by Teapot »

Hi Mickey :) welcome to the forum! :)

Re: Hi

Post by Rosesandtea »

Hi and welcome to the forum.