Your garden.

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Your garden.

Post by jansman »

If you have a garden, allotment or whatever, what is now sitting there for you to eat now Winter is here?
I have spinach beet,leeks, cabbage,jerusalem artichokes,kale, and some salad leaves in the green house. Not nearly what I hopedfor this season.
The reason for the question? Today MIGHT have been shtf.
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Re: Your garden.

Post by okra »

Still got some maincrop potatoes, squashes, beetroot, and salad onions.
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Re: Your garden.

Post by tigs »

:D lol you want me to list everything! it might take awhile ok wheat , barley, corn, oats just about ready for harvest beans 4 types peas 3 types :lol: oh you get the idea :D farmer !! :P
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Re: Your garden.

Post by diamond lil »

ok could we postpone the S until next year ?
and has anybody got a recipe for docken leaf soup? :lol:
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Re: Your garden.

Post by Arzosah »

Argh, this thread is haunting me! If TS had really HTF, I'm sure there's stuff I could eat there, and it wouldn't kill me - oh, my mahonia berries are nearly ready for me to make chutney with - there's mint, rosemary, a few other herbs - but I've been concentrating on the bones of the garden this year - fence, a proper patio area, another fence, getting rid of useless shrubs that take up space and do nothing ... this time next year, it will be very different, I promise :)
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Re: Your garden.

Post by Maddie_cat »

Anyone got a recipe for nettle soup??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have had an AWFUL year with veg so have given up.
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Re: Your garden.

Post by diamond lil »

Me too maddie. That's the second awful year :evil: Got to be third time lucky next summer!

Re: Your garden.

Post by TwoDo »

Excellent thread topic - really gets you thinking

As I look around my garden I realize that if my family and myself had to rely on its output this year we would be in for a very hard time of it. Perhaps not Siege of Leningrad type levels of hard time (due to other stored preps) but hard nonetheless.

Managed to pull a few sacks of potatoes, about a dozen parsnips, some garlic and a sack of onions - oh yeah managed to put by about 6 courgettes the slugs didn't get. There are still a few leeks in the ground and still some autumn raspberrys on the bushes - and that's about it.

The small terraces planted in the spring are still there with their edible sorrel, and buckshorn plantain - they were intended to supplement the diet of the chickens but could be used to provide valuable vitamins SHTF.

On the plus side, I have an extensive collection of seeds, and have started seed saving. The little beggars are being dehydrated and stored in kilner jars and then will be placed in a fridge when at about 15% relative humidity. The life span of seeds stored that way is (according to the Kew seed bank) in the hundreds of years.

I am just about ready to plant out a bunch of winter garlic and onions etc for practice in closing the spring hungry gap.

Must do better next year!
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Re: Your garden.

Post by itsybitsy »

What garden? It all went horribly wrong this year. :evil:

Re: Your garden.

Post by bulldogeagle »

jansman wrote:If you have a garden, allotment or whatever, what is now sitting there for you to eat now Winter is here?
I have spinach beet,leeks, cabbage,jerusalem artichokes,kale, and some salad leaves in the green house. Not nearly what I hopedfor this season.
The reason for the question? Today MIGHT have been shtf.
to survive(TSHTF) you must use "the rule of 3": 1.Food Storage 2. Grow fresh food and raise animals. 3. hunter/gatherer if one fails you have the other 2 to fall back one, if you only use one you probably wont survive.