how am I preparing??

How are you preparing

how am I preparing??

Post by st3vi3 »

With 2013 only hours away why not get of the sofa and do something postive, something that could and would make life easier, longer and less stressfull.

Atm as ive said in my intro im prepping due to not getting paid for 2 months, but what if? What if oil got cut off? What if oil got so expensive? How does that impact us?
No oil means no trucks, no food supplies, no everyday things taken for granted. No travel unless we walk or use bike. Mayb no heating for some people. Just couple of things come to mind. I use my car to go to work 20 mile round trip also bout same to Asda. I use to take it for granted... They drill it and I pay for it happy days.

When I was at school I was taught it would run out prob when I will be 30-40 years old. Im 26 now and the population is growing and demand is high for everyday living, and wars. So I feel in time if no other method is made cheap we could be in for a hard time.

Really we should all prep for anything because we dont know what will happen in next few mins never mind next few years. We only guess and predict.

My aims for 2013 are simple prep, learn and if needs be evolve myself and my family.

Question is were to start on a basic wage?? So I aim to add food, water and everyday items to my list. Also to learn how to live of mother nature for the long run.
The only wrong answer is to do nothing and expect the goverment to help or my family to help. Wont work when time come because it will be each for their own.

So if ur reading this and you were like me just living day to day expecting the world to provide either by money or parents or even the goverment.... What happens when they dissapear or become worthless???
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Re: how am I preparing??

Post by nickdutch »

Improve self reliance one step at a time.
You cant solve your entire problem all at once, but you can take steps both in learning and in terms of buying stuff to get to where you want to be.
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Re: how am I preparing??

Post by Arzosah »

Hi st3 ... yep, if the worst happens, then its catastrophic. Personally, if we're okay till the oil runs out, I don't think anything will happen suddenly - there'd be a long period of price hikes, much more severe than what we've got now. I think we'd see military manoeuvres like before the Gulf War - the secret manoeuvres, not the troops build up. I think there'd be rationing and blackouts, and exhortations to grow our own, to cut food imports. But of course, if the oil really did stop flowing ... well, I can't think of anything that would stay the same.

Just seen what Nick wrote - yes, absolutely - you can't affect the big picture, but you can look after yourself, and maybe your family too. Adding a few basics to the shopping each week, adding a new skill every six months or so, reading books and websites, practising the skills you already have. Getting fit. We can all do *some* of that.

Re: how am I preparing??

Post by st3vi3 »

Thats good advice guys. I can say my eyes are opened lol about time too. Fair play reading all that too :) thought I was goin on abit haha
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Re: how am I preparing??

Post by junmist »

Im with you on the oil work 25 miles away most of my spare money goes to getting me to work, so Im looking for another job nearer home. One step at a time is the way to go if you do not have a veg garden I'd start on that and don't forget the local library as you can order the books in before you buy them that way you will find out if they are any good instead of speading money out and finding out that they where no good(yeap done that :lol: ) see if you can barter for some of the things you need either with your time or with something you can do. I use to do this on a small holding and still do it with my cousin when I go and visit normaly get a joint or two depening on what I help out with :P. God I miss living in the country :oops:
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Re: how am I preparing??

Post by st3vi3 »

yea i agree with the library, ours aint that great, ebay is wonderful nowadays i get books for £2 or £3 and resell them. as for the garden i work with my partners father in spare time on their farm. last we grew loads of veg and acre of spuds. this year we bought a polytunnel and hope to take step further. i am trying to get him to get hens and turkeys in, but as farms go there is always project to do. in future hope to get planning permission to build there and prep easier. At the minute its hard due to location and living in a housing estate in small house. still can set aside at very least 3 months of food anywhere in my eyes.
car boot sales can pull up some nice "junk" treasures. Do we ever to storage holding auctions over here or is that just USA?

Re: how am I preparing??

Post by Prepbug »

st3vi3 wrote:yea i agree with the library, ours aint that great, ebay is wonderful nowadays i get books for £2 or £3 and resell them. as for the garden i work with my partners father in spare time on their farm. last we grew loads of veg and acre of spuds. this year we bought a polytunnel and hope to take step further. i am trying to get him to get hens and turkeys in, but as farms go there is always project to do. in future hope to get planning permission to build there and prep easier. At the minute its hard due to location and living in a housing estate in small house. still can set aside at very least 3 months of food anywhere in my eyes.
car boot sales can pull up some nice "junk" treasures. Do we ever to storage holding auctions over here or is that just USA?

No US only for storage auctions,for now anyway. Car boot, eBay, outdoor store sales, local Facebook selling pages, you can put on items wanted as well as looking for stuff selling. Make a basic survival kit list, bug in or out, Im doing both. Warmth, correct clothing.. Heat, something to start a fire with.. Light, a torch wind up or batts, water, and purifiers, tinned food, or dried packet less weight, pans, mess tin, quality knife,axe,rope, and stick to tosses lines you can't go wrong, oh and a shelter, tent and sleeping bag. That should start you off. Oh yeah never mention where your stash is ;)
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Re: how am I preparing??

Post by jansman »

My Daughter's bloke ,a time ago, was ill. Very ill. Because he was agency he got no pay. At that point his bills were straight for the month. But not enough for food. We supplied him with grub to tide him over.
Referring to the OP, 2 months with no pay is THE reason to get some grub in. Good luck there!
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Re: how am I preparing??

Post by Moony »

st3vi3 wrote: Do we ever to storage holding auctions over here or is that just USA?
Yes, but very rarely and probably well over priced / subscribed. Keep in mind on those storage auction TV shows they only ever show you when they get a big lucky score, you'll often hear the participants comment that the one good score only just covers the cost of the 9 others (that you don't see) that make a loss. It isn't something to go into lightly unless you are basically a gambler ;)
I'm in Area 7 !

Re: how am I preparing??

Post by st3vi3 »

To be sick and no food is bad real bad, he was lucky to know a prepper otherwise he would have had a very tough time of it.

I like an auction and a cheap deal as we all do, I do car boot sales but mainly go to mainland for that, much bigger. Plenty of items on cheap nowadays as people with less trying to clear out or even just upgrade. Im firm on recycle and reuse if possible. I saw few storage auctions on tv and people talk about them, but as you say just show best deals.

Thats a good start of list, all things you can get easily. That was my plan today make a list... I like a list.

Last night I carried on clearing out, doing spring clear out early... Found a house :) so making space, hard to do with a 3year old who wants to "help" haha. Amazing how much junk we gather up wonder were it comes from or why we wasted money on some items ... Live and learn I guess