Hello from sunny Manchester!

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Hello from sunny Manchester!

Post by thetiggys »

Hi everyone

So a bit about me/us. Mr Tiggy and I have only just started our preps recently. He's been thinking about it for a while but was all new to me a few months ago!

Have started to get some bits together already but 2013 is the year of prep for us! The buying stuff is the easy bit so we're looking at skills at the moment. We're both signing up for some adult evening courses this week :D

Mr T is good at everything outdoorsy, me less so altho I did succeed in my challenge over Christmas and started my own fire.......ok cheated a bit with cotton wool and Vaseline but only after having a good go with my kindling! I got my own knife and fire steel on a homemade paracord string from Mr T for Christmas!

Looking forward to talking to you all

Mrs T

Re: Hello from sunny Manchester!

Post by Trish52 »

Hello Mr & Mrs T :D
Very warm Welcome to UKP from St. Helens!

My new addition to my survival tin is cotton wool soaked in vaseline, works well ;)
Hope you both enjoy your stay at the UKP Inn :D
I've found it so helpful!

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Re: Hello from sunny Manchester!

Post by Maddosammo »

Hello and welcome to the forum. Fellow mancunion here lovely and sunny here isn't it. I'm sure you will find everything that you require here.

Need anything just ask.

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Re: Hello from sunny Manchester!

Post by thetiggys »

Thanks for the warm welcome :D
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Re: Hello from sunny Manchester!

Post by The Ace of Spades »

Hello. Welcome to UKP.

Ace. :)
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Re: Hello from sunny Manchester!

Post by Wiganprepper »

Hello from Wigan!! Hope u enjoy the site :tinfoil
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Re: Hello from sunny Manchester!

Post by tigs »

welcome to the forum
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Re: Hello from sunny Manchester!

Post by junmist »

Hello and welcome what course's are you doing :D
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Re: Hello from sunny Manchester!

Post by thetiggys »

Thanks everyone :D

We're signing up for bricklaying, dressmaking and growing fruit and veg. Only £15-£20 a course :-D