Sugar Storage

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Sugar Storage

Post by cheshirekat »

Went to get some sugar last night from my stash which is in an outhouse (brick built but cold). At first I thought it was frozen as it seemed to have expanded slightly and was rock hard. So I left it by a warm source overnight and it's still solid so i've had to break it down a bit but it seems unusable.

Anyone got any better ways of storing sugar?
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Re: Sugar Storage

Post by 12mp82 »

Sugar is a great thing to store, just might need to smash it a bit and that is about all, any dampness will see it lump up, but it has an indefinate life (well until you use it that is)

I have about 50Kg of it, just poured it into Mylar bags, twisted the top and pegged it and popped it into air tight containers.
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Re: Sugar Storage

Post by preppingsu »

I find if I leave sugar in its paper bags on my storage shelving it absorbs the damp and goes solid. As 12mp82 said, smash it around to break it up or you could whizz it through a food processor. I end up with lumpy sugar but its mainly used for putting in OH's tea (1 lump or 2!) or on cereal.

Best bet if to store in air tight containers or mylar as already suggested (but without the oxygen absorber!)

Sugar Storage

Post by The-Great-Nothing »


Since rice is a natural and cheap desiccant - could try putting a small paper bag of rice into the airtight container or Mylar bag to absorb any excess moisture.

I haven't done this myself, but could work I think......


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Re: Sugar Storage

Post by junmist »

don't forget that before we had sugar in bags we had it in loafs and the cook/house wife would just chip or cut a bit off
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Re: Sugar Storage

Post by 12mp82 »

junmist wrote:don't forget that before we had sugar in bags we had it in loafs and the cook/house wife would just chip or cut a bit off
I can't remember that far back junmist ;)
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Re: Sugar Storage

Post by Anarchyedge »

Any idea how long you can store sugar for? and honey?

Re: Sugar Storage

Post by preppingsu »

Anarchyedge wrote:Any idea how long you can store sugar for? and honey?

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Re: Sugar Storage

Post by Maddosammo »

Anarchyedge wrote:any idea how long u can store sugar for? and hunny?

indefinitely on both counts, if i remember rightly if stored correctly.

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Re: Sugar Storage

Post by redskies »

They've found honey in the tombs in Egypt. Several thousand years old and still ok to eat!