Gelert family lantern set

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Gelert family lantern set

Post by loreal1968 »

Hi ive just purchased a Gelert family set of battery lanterns. took small one to bed with me last night and its really bright. Usually i have a torch next to the bed for emergencies, and your limited by just the forward beam. Im so impressed with the brightness and how it lit my dark bedroom up. i reckon i could easily paint my toenails ( strange what pops in your head) small one take 3 AA batteries and larger 3 D Batteries, also brilliant for camping. bonus it has a dimmer switch. and only 14.99 for the set.
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Re: Gelert family lantern set

Post by pseudonym »

Always good to get a review of a kit from a user.:)
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Re: Gelert family lantern set

Post by Magenta16v »

They look good. Will await your results on how long the battery last
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