lone wolf,family or group

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dangerous dave
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lone wolf,family or group

Post by dangerous dave »

just wondering how you guys are going about arranging things when it comes to evacuating or bugging out ill think of a few questions over the next few weeks

my first question is are you guys:
A: going it alone
B: with your family
C: with a group or teem of people

and what is your reasons behind (family one is kinda obvious for reason's)

such as my self i would be taking my family not a wide amount of skills between them but gota look out for your own but i would love to be able to get involved with a few others with a broader skill set


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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by Al_Shrew »

Currently the plan is for me, the other half and the hound to evac. However I am trying to 'convert' other members of my family (especially the sisters husband as he's a chef and I can burn cereal !)
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by tigs »

family and group or should that be several families
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by bettersafethansorry »

immediate family yes, and just prey other family members further a field do well.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by prepperG »

I would initially be bug in on own but supplies would run out very rapidly so would then bug out, would try to find out if friends/family are alive first but if not call in if they are in the safest direction.
I could trade my security services for shelter/food. recon i can carry 450 rds 5.56 ammo :)
as part of bug out plan i am looking at doing rib boat training and update my sailing skills to get out of country or around coast if required (would be safer than over land).
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by external »

Family for a short term buy out but if its a SHTF then I'd include some other friends in so a group of several families.
Number wise I guess we would be looking at 8-10 for a short term and 15-20 for a longer term bug out.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by dannydela91 »

I have this problem to because I have a large family and so does my partner and im the only prepper despite my efforts to convert. . . . . and whilst I have a good few supplies I do not have any were near the quantity to support both large families we are talking a large group of 20 people which is great for survival but very harsh on supplies and the demand for supplies should anything happen.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by Briggs »

dannydela91 wrote:I have this problem to because I have a large family and so does my partner and im the only prepper despite my efforts to convert. . . . . and whilst I have a good few supplies I do not have any were near the quantity to support both large families we are talking a large group of 20 people which is great for survival but very harsh on supplies and the demand for supplies should anything happen.
Danny, you are right on the mark here. Mrs Briggs and I live in a rural area and our families live 100+ miles away in urban areas. Mrs B's plan is to bug in with our preps, see how things develop or decay and then if necessary we will bug out to our BOL. However, having recently broached the subject with family, it's clear they have next to no preps other than a rough plan to head to our house when it gets bad in their areas. Of course they'd be welcome but this has made me rethink my preps because the food, water and supplies we have will be stretched very thin. I posted up a separate thread about a scenario game called Conflicted: I'm hoping to use this as a way to make other family members think a bit more about their own preps, even if it's only making sure they arrive at my door with arms outstretched, holding pint cans of Stella ;-)
I recently experienced Plymouth City centre so that's why I prep.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by PreppingPingu »

As has been said before, bugging out is not an option in the uk for most people, so bugging in and hunkering down is the option I envision. I would be able to accommodate my brother, his wife and 2 children, and while I have never spoken as such about a scenario where life had gone fubar, I know he would come to us, and he is walking distance away. (Our house isn't big, but its laid out in a way that we could squeeze in together.) That's 8 of us but 2 of them are under 10's with one of them taking up a lot of adult time and effort, (thereby taking out an adult from the equation,) the other child would be able to pull their weight though in spite of their age. Either way 2 families together is better than just one - humans are social creatures and do need others for stimulus and to prevent inanity as anyone who has spent a long time alone would tell you. In the road, where I live, I think there would be a sense of community and people would be likely to pull together, having said that I don't know everyone, and I am sure that with a large group, the chance for conflict would increase expedientially. How many of our neighbours would flee, how many stay and how many would help themselves and how many expect other to do for them I don't know ... So in yes, a family group with possible others, situation depending. That is as my circumstances and location are now. Hopefully in a few years time I may be living elsewhere and then my plans would have to adapt accordingly.
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Re: lone wolf,family or group

Post by damaralenoire »

This is a question that depresses me a little bit because i been thinking about my plans for a situation like this, My father lives 20 miles away but is not taking me serious in my prepping attempts, he has a very old school mindset in that what will happen will happen, however i would attempt to get to his with as much as my stuff as possible (Pet carrier / BOB / Stored foods etc) as where i live has high unemployment / drug / alcohol abuse levels and is not a very safe place. I guess it would be at that point where i would have to make the decision to leave my father if he continues to be stubborn and not want to leave or stay with him and try and get through whatever the situation is, I do have three sisters but as they are all in relationships and dont have the mindset for survival etc I would focus my efforts on my father.

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