Home made anesthetic?

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Home made anesthetic?

Post by QUAID »

Been thinking about how to deal with trauma and pain during a SHTF scenario. It might seem pretty grim but come the crunch what would you do if you had to deal with re-straightening a fracture, un-avoidable amputation, corterising wounds?

Whiskey? Bit of a waste and may further complicate any condition due to dehydration or cold.
Knock the patient out? Could cause further injury to both patient and deliverer.
Local Anesthetic? Good luck with getting hold of some of that!

Gonna try making some chloroform this week and giving it a test (maybe on the missus)....

Better try now than leave it too late.
Will post the results soon if it has not gone horribly wrong.
Last edited by QUAID on Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Home made anesthetic

Post by Plymtom »

Gonna try making some chloroform this week and giving it a test (maybe on the missus)....
Isn't there a danger there of her not waking up?...... In which case the mother in law could be a better choice ;)
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Re: Home made anesthetic

Post by redskies »

You have fun with that. And try not to blow the neighbourhood to smithereens!

It's also worth considering how you are going to judge the strength of what you've made, how to measure how much you'll give, how to administer it and monitor vital signs while the patient is under.

The other thing that alcohol will do is depress the respiratory system - not something you really want to worry about. Then there's the vomit factor - how are you at clearing airways?

There are a number of essential oils that act as local anaesthetics. Clove and peppermint are two that come immediately to mind. If you can't get hold of the oils, it's possible to create substitutes - for example, for toothache, you'd just chew the cloves. And I can promise, it really works! You'd need to crush the peppermint leaves, make sure you have a lot of concentrate.
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Re: Home made anesthetic

Post by QUAID »

Mother in law could be a good idea.
I have extensive medical training....
The only thing that concerns me is the idea that the body can synthesise chloroform into Phosgene... not good.
I,ve used clove oil before and made temporary fillings etc, however.... some thing stronger is needed.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by redskies »

I cba to argue with you. But if you have extensive medical training, then you know just how dangerous what you're suggesting could be.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by gadgetguy »

redskies wrote:I cba to argue with you. But if you have extensive medical training, then you know just how dangerous what you're suggesting could be.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Ether is volatile and explosive

The best plant based one (Opium) is likely to get you arrested as would Cannabis (proven to help treat a wide range of heath problems).

All anesthetics are basically poisons

Willow bark and cloves are mild painkillers and not really up to what you're asking about (that said, if you're going to reduce my fracture I'd rather have willow bark then nothing)

Frankly apart from nitrous oxide* almost anything that will work well is illegal to have....Mostly due to abuse.

*Start stocking cans of squirty cream now ;)
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Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by redskies »

Ether is made by bathing sulphuric acid in a warm alcohol bath. The process has around a 50/50 chance of being successful - or blowing you up when performed in a home lab.

Chloroform is made by causing a chemical reaction between bleach and acetone - again, if that goes wrong, it's not going to be pretty. You have to keep it below a certain temperature. One of the side effects is the production of phosgene.

In a SHTF situation, it would be possible to make laudanum or something similar without too much difficulty - again, you need to be able to measure the strength and monitor vital signs. And also to understand that with opiates, you're again dealing with depression of the respiratory system.

As for cloves, drop some clove oil on your skin, particularly your lips or the inside of your wrist, then come back and tell me it's mild! Ditto cinnamon, come to think of it, although I wouldn't care to use that as an anaesthetic - it's put into lip balms as one of the effects is a mild inflammation, which is used to 'plump' lips. Last thing you want if you're trying to stitch a wound is more swelling.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by Briggs »

Check out the most recent Doomsday Preppers. (YouTube). One inventive chap is using homemade chloroform to dull the pain when he does his wife's C section. It's all above board, he even put some clean tarps down in the barn...
I recently experienced Plymouth City centre so that's why I prep.
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Re: Home made anesthetic?

Post by Plymtom »

Frankly apart from nitrous oxide* almost anything that will work well is illegal to have....Mostly due to abuse.

*Start stocking cans of squirty cream now ;)
I'm so sorry it's just that I have been watching the pink panther strikes again today "It's the anesthetic dern't you know" serious stuff I know.
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.