Lanky Yankee wrote:Im a paramedic and even my shtf med kit isn't that comprehensive. I would ditch all the intubation equipment for one. If the shtf you won't be able to maintainers any kind of intensive care for a patient. It's going to be triage and survival of the finest. It's nice to have all of that kit but you don't need it.
Also the meds will have to be rotated through. I also didn't see any wound closure stuff ( sutures, glue, steri-strips). Maybe some local anesthetic to help with cleaning wounds and closure.
Well said that man
Be Prepared.
Plan like its the last loaf on the shop shelves.
Plan like its the last beer in the fridge.
@ lanky Yankee thanks for he advice taken on board kind of guess I went a little overboard with some of the kit. As for wound closure I have a load of steri strips and sutures no glue though nor local anesthetic maybe I shall add some.
@ poppies dad you are vaguely irritating and non helpful with your comments.
Lanky Yankee wrote:Im a paramedic and even my shtf med kit isn't that comprehensive. I would ditch all the intubation equipment for one. If the shtf you won't be able to maintainers any kind of intensive care for a patient. It's going to be triage and survival of the finest. It's nice to have all of that kit but you don't need it.
Also the meds will have to be rotated through. I also didn't see any wound closure stuff ( sutures, glue, steri-strips). Maybe some local anesthetic to help with cleaning wounds and closure.
As an ex-ambulance tech (now called EMT) I agree 100% with this, intubation equipment would add more weight than value. You can't beat the old OP airway in an emergency, cheap, lightweight and easy to use.
Also you can't have too many triangular bandages (in my opinion), amazingly versatile pieces of equipment.
Pastiebap wrote:Also you can't have too many triangular bandages (in my opinion), amazingly versatile pieces of equipment.
C'mon, seriously??? Nobody knows how to use them
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Two is one, one is none.
Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
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