What Preps are you doing this week

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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by FEISTY »

JamieSmith wrote:I like tinned fish as apart from having a half decent shelf life, it contains omega 3 fatty acids which some say can reduce depression (useful if it does work in a SHTF situation), keeps your joints moving and has links to improving brain function. And on top of that I like fish :)... I value tinned fish as it has some good benefits so others may agree or disagree.
My son and I love salmon, but farmed salmon is flabby and fatty. We've pretty much moved over to eating just tinned wild salmon like I did when I was young. Nothing nicer than a wee pile of salmon sandwiches, but in SHTF scenario, minus the bread, flaked salmon and salad from the garden is nice too.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by FEISTY »

Ragdolly wrote:Back a couple of pages to the canning -

Corn relish, zucchini relish, chutney, pickled onions / beet root/ cukes, garlic, jam ( a lot of jam)
Chocolate cherry pie filling, fruit of the vine ketchup,

Still gots to make hot sauce....

DH came home with a semi auto and 1100 rounds.

I picked up a 72 hour "go" bag in Walmart (asda) for $40 ( approx 55 quid)

My purchase pales into insignificance - especially when he pulled the bayonet out.....
I got a shock too? Busy thinking - how did he manage that? Then the penny dropped. Over the pond is really OVER THE POND! LOL! Not sure if I'm horrified or jealous ;).
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by FEISTY »

Just to say, $40 is c£25 at current rates. I sure that's what you meant :).
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by nickdutch »

Planning my next tesco shop. Plenty of tomato puree tubes, tinned potatoes, tinned kidney beans and tinned peas + some stock granules, value rice, pepper and spices. I use them when the time of the month comes or I am too knackered to do proper cooking or I haven't gone out to buy any food and I know that the use of ghastly unhealthy food is just to tide me over until I get the real fresh veggies in. So my "stocks" are usually variable in volume, but i never have to go begging to my family members for cash when things go a bit south cash flow wise, and I can always use lentils and mung beans sprouted to get something approximating a fresh veg when I am that desperate for something with an actual vitamin in it,

you know, crying cos he is all alone.... :(

Its breakfasts I struggle with when things are tricky, so a congee (rice porridge) or cooked lentils are a good way to get either some warming effect (congee) or some fibre (cooked brown lentils) in me, still its not quite the same as a good hearty porridge or a bowl of a good gluten free muesli.

At the church harvest festival today we had a shared lunch and there was a "naked" candy bar for me!! It had the recipe on it and the percentages of the sole ingredients (which i thought was right silly of them to be sure, but I ain't complaining!).

48% dates
29% cashews
17% raisins
6% Cocoa (which I presume is Cocoa nibs)

Giving us the raw vegan recipe like that seems rather odd, and as I have a digital scale that measures ingrams. I have some cocoa nibs in stock and the rest are quite easy to get, I thought I would give my blender and dehydrator a bit of work to do and make myself some bars on cheap.

At a wild guess, the cashews might have got grinded up first with the cocoa nibs to make a fine powder or a "nut butter" type thing or something close to that, then the rest would be added followed by some dehydration and / or compression to make a nice sticky bar thingy.

Could be quite fun. And for those of you who have a vacuum packer and all that jazz, maybe you could make energy bars from the stuff? I dunno, just an idea to experiment with really. I haven't tried yet, but if this thing will make a cheap wholesome wholefood calorific snack and a nice after meal energy boost, and it can be made nice and cheap...... Seems like a good thing to play with.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Briggs 2.0 »

I fitted a Doulton Sterasyl Ultracarb filter onto the mains water supply. Gone is the smell of chlorine and god knows what other c**p we were drinking. The acid test? Before we fitted it, the dogs would not drink the tap water. Now they do and who am I to argue with a Labrador's nose.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Ragdolly »

Yep... I was horrified ( at the bayonet). We have a gun safe, lock boxes inside the safe and trigger locks on all the weapons. I'm a bit paranoid but I am British you know!

Yep - guns are legal here as long as you have your firearms licence ( which can be restricted or non restricted). Funny enough - it means the opposite to what you might think. Hubby has a restricted fire arms licence which means he can have restricted guns ( the bad boys) - these are not issued to everyone ( thank god).

I checked my math, which for an accountant completely sucks :) thanks for the correction.
When we got here 40 bucks was 20 quid .

And today..... We picked up 4 quail hens and built a wee quail house. Pity I don't eat eggs.....

Don't be jealous - that is never my intent ;)
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by DustyDog »

Also planning my next Tesco shop, have got my first tinned food crate safely in shed, starting next one this week, the usual, plenty of corned beef, ham, beans, tuna etc. Tend to live off frozen (so if power goes i don't have tons of thawing food preps to eat quickly) and dried and fresh food during normal day, that way i keep all the long life stuff ready, not just for shtf scenarios but well, just in case. i do not have DHL coming with a semi automatic i am very sorry to say, i wish. :D
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Decaff »

Well done DustyDog! Don't forget to rotate your goodies to keep it all in date. Onwards and upwards :)
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Decaff »

I did the monthly online shop today, added a few more items to the list for my stash cupboard :D
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by bob the builder »

Just grabbed some tins of dog food from the shed and noticed a couple of brown spots on the wrapper think it might be rust a little worried as I have a load of other tins out there they look ok. Dog food was in there prior to fixing the roof so only a little worried. Any suggestions in keeping tin ok?

Picked up more biscuits can't have too many. Might be early but packed a winter over night car kit gloves hat sleeping bag snacks juice light weight water proof need to get a small torch for it but its already in the boot, ok part left there after a scout camp. I have another for the wife's car. Sounds a bit extreme but we work 30 mins from home on a mix of motorway and back roads I worked out it would take about 8-9 hours to walk it so not likely. We have a bolt hold at the mother in laws 10 min from work on the way home if really bad.
Not planning for the end of the world just to survive till normality resumes, while sticking to the scout moto be prepared!

Still considering do I want to survive the end of the world or deck chair on the front lawn with a cold beer?