I picked up a pair of Leatherman Raptors as I noticed they've dropped in price to under £50.
Basically their a very well made, fold-able pair of trauma shears, with a cutting hook and window break (trauma shears's are normally a disposable item), but designed for military use and come with a nice molle compatible carrying system. I mostly got them as there safer to carry when I'm in London combined with my FAK then taking a knife, but their going to go into my EDC as their so well made and work well for cutting anything.
Leatherman description
Developed with the input of special operations medics, EMTs and fire professionals familiar with standard medical shears, the Raptor was crafted with just the right balance of multipurpose features for medical-specific operations, without an overkill of tools to complicate sometimes life-threatening situations.
I bought the Maxpedition pocket organiser micro today - no idea what purpose it will serve long term, but I have a load of little bits and bobs that I want to keep in my pockets while in Spain next week, so thought it would be useful for that at least.
My Maxpedition mini is packed full and it's really not a good pocket sized thing anymore, not for EDC. It's become a bag dweller. The micro fits in my front pocket along with my phone when not too full, so might reassess my pocket carry and update next week. Module #2 will become #3 and so on. Anyway, we'll have to see.
How are those Raptors working out for you Metatron?
I love motorcycles like a fat guy loves cake. I also love cake.
ive ordered some of these, not sure how legal they are to carry on the strap of your bag, but for the money i wanted to see, from china they are £2 in the uk about £5
I'm not antisocial, just anti idiot.
If you use the phase "man up" you have alot to learn.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools, because they have to say something" Plato.
Funny, i had read that somewhere else, so is it very conspicuous?
I'm not antisocial, just anti idiot.
If you use the phase "man up" you have alot to learn.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools, because they have to say something" Plato.
Ive got a nice molle type backpac, it has straps on the bottom, so you wouldnt even know it was there.
nice one.
I'm not antisocial, just anti idiot.
If you use the phase "man up" you have alot to learn.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools, because they have to say something" Plato.
also have one of them little knives on my molly backpack but I have mine inverted so that I pull the blade down to release it, iv not had a problem with it coming out and thats including running with the pack on it seems quite secure in the little holder thing.
I will 2nd the bit about sharpening it, when I got mine it was blunt and still is but better than it was need to get the stone out again and spend some more time on it but for the money if I have to use it in anger as long as it gives me vital seconds to leg it then it will have paid for itself if not then it eats nothing living on the strap.