Arzosah wrote:Glad you found it, Su! And oh my, that churner looks *amazing*!
I got the lunette-shaped thing years ago, I learned how to rub in in cookery classes at school, and I always absolutely hated getting everything under my fingernailsso that thing was a godsend.
Deeps, I suppose its not economic *now* but if things went to pot, and you had your own goats or sheep or something, it might be a really handy way to keep the milk available for longer. Sounds like it takes time, but I *love* the look of it.
I've never really got on with the lunette thingy for pastry - I find it gets clogged between the tines? lunes? anyway, and I end up needing to use my hands anyway. I don't bother now. Anyone got any tips for using it? Mince pie season is fast approaching.