What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by featherstick »

Arzosah wrote:Glad you found it, Su! And oh my, that churner looks *amazing*!

I got the lunette-shaped thing years ago, I learned how to rub in in cookery classes at school, and I always absolutely hated getting everything under my fingernails :mrgreen: so that thing was a godsend.

Deeps, I suppose its not economic *now* but if things went to pot, and you had your own goats or sheep or something, it might be a really handy way to keep the milk available for longer. Sounds like it takes time, but I *love* the look of it.

I've never really got on with the lunette thingy for pastry - I find it gets clogged between the tines? lunes? anyway, and I end up needing to use my hands anyway. I don't bother now. Anyone got any tips for using it? Mince pie season is fast approaching.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by Deeps »

Arzosah wrote:Glad you found it, Su! And oh my, that churner looks *amazing*!

I got the lunette-shaped thing years ago, I learned how to rub in in cookery classes at school, and I always absolutely hated getting everything under my fingernails :mrgreen: so that thing was a godsend.

Deeps, I suppose its not economic *now* but if things went to pot, and you had your own goats or sheep or something, it might be a really handy way to keep the milk available for longer. Sounds like it takes time, but I *love* the look of it.
Aye, its the long term potential that appeals to me. Her Maj fancied liked the look of it and we use it from time to time, especially if we get whipping cream reduced. I keep meaning to have a go at putting either (or both) chilli and garlic in to see if I can sex up the butter, maybe next time.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by Ogham »

Finally reorganised my emergency car kit for winter - realised I didn't actually have any food in there, which would have made most of it a bit useless. :oops:
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by Arzosah »

featherstick wrote:I've never really got on with the lunette thingy for pastry - I find it gets clogged between the tines? lunes? anyway, and I end up needing to use my hands anyway. I don't bother now. Anyone got any tips for using it? Mince pie season is fast approaching.
Stuff does get stuck between the tines, but a knife gets it all out of there in a second. Whereas cleaning under my fingernails takes forever, and leaves my fingertips with a "scrubbed" feeling!
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Terry T.: Its only because we care ;)

Arzosah: I hate the feeling of flour (and soil for that matter), so I try to do stuff like that as 'hands off' as possible

Re: The butter churner. Most shop-bought milk now a days is Homogenised (forced through very fine mesh to break up the fat globules ), but you can find the 'old fashioned' stuff if you look (tends to be smaller producers or the speciality milks like Jersey)..... I miss the days of the Top of the Milk
It might also be able to make ice-cream.....
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by jansman »

We have a Milkman. Always have. And he brings us real milk in glass bottles. And it tastes better - with cream on the top!
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by ForgeCorvus »

jansman wrote:We have a Milkman. Always have. And he brings us real milk in glass bottles. And it tastes better - with cream on the top!
Where you live ?
Any good houses for sale 'round there?
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
"All Things Strive" Gd Tak 'Gar
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by jansman »

ForgeCorvus wrote:
jansman wrote:We have a Milkman. Always have. And he brings us real milk in glass bottles. And it tastes better - with cream on the top!
Where you live ?
Any good houses for sale 'round there?
Yep. We have one big company and two independents. We deal with one of the latter. We have a local Coalman too!

Loads of houses for sale here. No bugger can afford 'em though!
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.

Yorkshire Andy
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Been "practising flood preps" my mate had a sewage flood in her street so we rallied to help ... Water board useless.. Council wouldn't even give sandbags (we went to the main depot where they are stored) last resort we contacted fire service who were ace and tried pumping but it just came back up....

So into my preps stored sand flung in car and Hessian sacks .. Only to have an argument with some woman thinking she could take them out of my dads hands as he carried them into my mates house!!

Yes a fair few were flooding but we were not supplying the whole bloody street!

Heavy gauge PVC sheet later and we made a fairly water tight dam

After a kick up the arse from fire service the water board attended 2 hours later! Can't blame the subcontractor he was a lovely chap

Exxxxx Street, Hxxxx Street, xxxxx
Mon 30 Nov 2015 15:28 (22471)
Flooding affecting all properties on street. Light portable pump in use to remove water from kitchen and garden of property. Local Water informed and will attend to deal with flooding.
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by terrytaylor84 »

I have made what i think is a huge prep, this time its in terms of my fitness. Ive signed up to the national white collar boxing association to fight in March, Ill be trained by Rendall Munroe.

I havent boxed for almost 6 years due to injuries, im hoping that getting back into something i love will help my mental health situation improve too.

I used to love nothing more than being in the ring, my old coach wanted to take me down the pro route had i not have done so many stupid things and pushed my body beyond breaking point.