Starting Again From Scratch

How are you preparing
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Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:43 pm
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Re: Starting Again From Scratch

Post by Paul_H »

I didn't know that about the MRE's so will keep my eye open for them.

I was in Lidl yesterday getting a few bits that were on offer that I had seen so why I was there I grabbed an extra tin or two of a few things I know I like.

Have been sent home from work today as iv picked up a cold / flu virus and it did highlight 2 things about my EDC, as much as I have pain killers in there I did not have any flu plus or throat lossangers so they need to be added in and I also did not have my hand gel with my for some reason its sat on the desk in front of me but not in my bag and id also forgot to put my right in the rain pad in that I got earlier in the week.

So some lessons there learnt so once I feel a bit more upto it and not as wooly headed ill jot down a list of stuff I know I will want on a day to day thing and then go through the bag to check it.

Should be going over to Sainsburys at some point in the next day or two so will see whats what there food wise and pick up one or two things, am thinking soup packets you just add hot water too and stuff thats nice and quick to cook in a pot. Will keep grabbing ones and twos as I go and same with water really ill grab a pack this week and then maybe in next weeks shop if not week after and just top it up and rotate it out if push comes to shove I can use it in work with a drop of juice or something and rotate it around that way.

Right off to go climb under the duvet put day time telly on and generally feel sorry for myself lol