What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

How are you preparing
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by sniper 55 »

Yorkshire Andy wrote:
Not done much prepping unless you count modifying the kitchen waste water pipework and cold water pipes for a dishwasher... total cost in parts was no more than £15 good only knows what a plumber would have charged

and saturday i put a new higher more secure fence panel up then applied Plastic spikes to the top of the fence and gate... You wont want to be trying to jump over that in the dark at 3am as what ever enthusiasm you put into it will be awarded with matching searing pain in your hands (its err rather unpleasant) not that the moggies seem bothered by it as they stand on it looking at you expecting their bowl to be filled
And you found out how?? ;)
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by sniper 55 »

I'm been trying to put together a list for my EDC/GHB but it just keeps getting silly, it's starting to look like something a polar expedition would take, not somehing to get me home from somewhere.... Do I really need a second chainsaw..... :lol:
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

sniper 55 wrote:
Yorkshire Andy wrote:
Not done much prepping unless you count modifying the kitchen waste water pipework and cold water pipes for a dishwasher... total cost in parts was no more than £15 good only knows what a plumber would have charged

and saturday i put a new higher more secure fence panel up then applied Plastic spikes to the top of the fence and gate... You wont want to be trying to jump over that in the dark at 3am as what ever enthusiasm you put into it will be awarded with matching searing pain in your hands (its err rather unpleasant) not that the moggies seem bothered by it as they stand on it looking at you expecting their bowl to be filled
And you found out how?? ;)

well i had to test it..... :oops:
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by pseudonym »

24 Kilner 0.5 litre two piece preserving jars. :mrgreen:
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by Decaff »

I've been blighted for the last two weeks, feeling as sick as a pig, had my young niece over to stay for two nights and bless her she gave me this bug :cry: I cannot seem to shift it, she's fine and bouncy though, just me feeling uck.

Not done any baking as yet and need to make a huge butter shortbread type of tree.... Uck at the thought of it :oops:
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by Arzosah »

Sorry to hear that, Decaff - hope it goes soon.

Prepping has been reduced to trying to dry the washing while it's raining torrents outside. And using up miniature bottles of liqueur to create space in the kitchen cabinets :mrgreen:
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by sniper 55 »

Decaff wrote:I've been blighted for the last two weeks, feeling as sick as a pig, had my young niece over to stay for two nights and bless her she gave me this bug :cry: I cannot seem to shift it, she's fine and bouncy though, just me feeling uck.

Not done any baking as yet and need to make a huge butter shortbread type of tree.... Uck at the thought of it :oops:
I jumped on the bus the other night going for a meal and a drink and it was like a TB ward on there, everyone was coughing like mad, must be a lot of bugs going around. With my luck I'll be like it all over Christmas.

You've just reminded me I've got to make a load of shortbread too.
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Jan Smits
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by Jan Smits »

I read about 10 "Getting started" guides online, some more useful than others. Made some lists, rifled through cupboards, bought some things. Filled some water containers. Wrote up an inventory and currently trying to menu plan according to calories.

Quite a lot for a first week, but I'm fairly confident I have my first week of stores in place. I'll continue researching (ie reading labels), and experimenting for a while before upping the stores to a month.

Food and bugging in seem straightforward enough. EDC and bugging out seem to need the most thought, and expense.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by sniper 55 »

Jan Smits wrote:I read about 10 "Getting started" guides online, some more useful than others. Made some lists, rifled through cupboards, bought some things. Filled some water containers. Wrote up an inventory and currently trying to menu plan according to calories.

Quite a lot for a first week, but I'm fairly confident I have my first week of stores in place. I'll continue researching (ie reading labels), and experimenting for a while before upping the stores to a month.

Food and bugging in seem straightforward enough. EDC and bugging out seem to need the most thought, and expense.
Yes theres a fine line between having everything you actually need and going bonkers... sadly I'm well on the bonkers side of the line ;)
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? part 2.

Post by junmist »

Trying to sort the back of the car out what with the get home bag, all the horse stuff, and car stuff it looks like a bomb has hit it I need some one with organising skills :lol:
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