Hi, I've been browsing your boards all summer and thought its about time I introduce myself. I'm a mum of 5 (3 grown up now) in my 40s from the South West. I've been feeling for awhile now, that society is fragile and could kick off at any time. In the spring we got some backyard chickens and have been enjoying their eggs. We also have rabbits (Not sure I could bring myself to eat them ....if my survival depended on it tho...probably).I have been gradually buying more and more tinned and dried goods and storing them in my large kitchen pantry. I have also bought my first get home bag for if anything big happens when I'm at college with my son to get us home. Still working on the contents at the moment.
I am very much a newbie, but hope to gain info from you lovely people
Re: Unlurking
Hello and welcome!
Behind every great man is an even greater woman. She carried you, raised you and made you who you are.
Re: Unlurking
Welcome to the forum
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Re: Unlurking
Welcome and learn all you can. Best to take it gradually and remember that generations did this before us and found that being prepared made life a bit easier in the bad times.