new you tube post about solar batterys from down under

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new you tube post about solar batterys from down under

Post by junmist »

So doing a bit of you tube surfing and look what the Aussies have come out with Clever Aussies
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Re: new you tube post about solar batterys from down under

Post by sethorly »

Really encouraging. Wouldn't it be fantastic to be almost self-sufficient for energy use?! And if SHTF you just dial down your usage. Maintenance costs might be a problem though.

Be good to get this along with that method of electric house heating that jansman (I think) talked about in another thread.
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Re: new you tube post about solar batterys from down under

Post by Pete_59 »

Really interesting, lots of good info in there, not just about the batteries but a easy to understand explaination of how the grid works, something a lot of people don't get.

I can understand why this is being tested in Australia with their high levels of year round sunshine as well as a tech savvy population, it won't be as effective in this country but it's still something worth thinking about as energy prices continue to rise, a more realistic option for renewable energy than wind turbines.