hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

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Citizen H
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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by Citizen H »

Hey Mark, a quick question in regards to reoccurring sores that wont heal, what remedy's would you prep for, I swore by Iodine but have since found out that this can affect thyroids !?!? and as such is no longer sold over the counter,

over to you Doc,

Cheers Citizen "H"
Im just hoping for the best and preparing for the worse.

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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by medicmark »

firstly recurring sores are not the norm, has the patient got some type of infection in the skin?, are they diabetic? do they have other underlying medical conditions such as auto immune issues, psoriasis, in children scalded baby syndrome? has there been overseas travel? is there possibility of environmental issues?.

these questions basically lead the treatment.
If the patient has an infection in the skin, Ideally we need a swab, and possibly skin/muscle biopsy to get the correct antibiotic/fungal to stop the underlying cause. then we need to look at the correct treatment dressings- hydrocolloids, hydrogels, alginates or collagens.

Now treatment is as described above, identify and treat, however, in a shtf situation unless you can acquire its basic wound management, keep clean and dry as much as possible with an appropriate sterile dressing otherwise we could develop cellulitis or systemic infection.

Iodine can cause the following, taken from webmd.
A type of rash called dermatitis herpetiformis: Taking iodine can cause worsening of this rash. Thyroid disorders, such as too little thyroid function (hypothyroidism), an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter), or a thyroid tumor: Prolonged use or high doses of iodine might make these conditions worse.

so, I would suggest getting this issue resolved now, or at the least get the treatment/ dressings to cover you if it does go wrong in a big way.
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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by MBJ »

Hi there Mark,

Thank you for taking the time to set up this thread and for answering everyone's questions.

I'm currently focusing on drugs and medication for my first aid kit. I've already got diarrhea and constipation covered but want to cover respiratory and digestive diseases too. Obviously that will be a problem as most if not all the drugs to deal with those issues are controlled and only purchasable under prescription. In light of this, what do you think of online web pharmacies that sell antibiotics such as Amoxicillin without a prescription. Are they safe and can you trust them?

Thank you.
omega man
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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by omega man »

MBJ wrote:Hi there Mark,

Thank you for taking the time to set up this thread and for answering everyone's questions.

I'm currently focusing on drugs and medication for my first aid kit. I've already got diarrhea and constipation covered but want to cover respiratory and digestive diseases too. Obviously that will be a problem as most if not all the drugs to deal with those issues are controlled and only purchasable under prescription. In light of this, what do you think of online web pharmacies that sell antibiotics such as Amoxicillin without a prescription. Are they safe and can you trust them?

Thank you.
Just as a side note, I stock up on Amoxicillin and Ventolin (Asthmatic) whilst in Europe, normally Espania where I can buy them over the counter for pittance.. :lol:
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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by medicmark »

online pharmacies worry me a little because anyone can set up an online store, I have no way of knowing that the items you sell are rigorously quality controlled as they should be or are you bill in his shed putting any old crap in the pills/creme/liquid and making a mega buck?

I love bargain as much as anyone, but because of my illness, I react to medications made correctly and approved so theres no way I would use them, except as a total last resort- thats my own personal view.

one of the other issues I have is issuing medications without prescription, especially for prescription only medications, it just does not sit right with me.

I would suggest that you do what you have been doing, stocking up from spain, just be aware giving other people medications could be classed as supplying especially if something like co codamol/codeine/tramadol, pretty sure they are class B.

As we say in the shtf situation obviously all the rules go out the window, and we do what is required to survive and hopefully help along the way, rule 1 of being a medic first do no harm.

Mark. :ugeek:
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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by Sonicuk »

Yorkshire Andy wrote:
sethorly wrote:Mark - when should we use celox, and when should we not use celox. Cheers.

In what form celox gauze / powder?

On my recent first aid at work course we got told to use it if the first trauma dressing becomes saturated after trying direct pressure... Remove it pack with celox gauze then apply fresh trauma dressing and apply pressure for 5 minutes.... From my course book:

Hey Andy

This extract looks really comprehensive - which book was this from?


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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by Arzosah »

Oh my. This thread is a goldmine! I've downloaded it and I'll read through it later. I haven't been keeping my medical info up to date, nor do I have an inventory listing of what I've actually got :oops: I'll be working on both those things over the next few days, and coming back. Thank you Mark!
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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by tanstaafl »

Hi Mark sorry if this has already be asked but.....

Can you or anyone recommend a decent over the shelf kit, I have several £5 or £10 kits dotted all over the place and just managed to slice my foot open (dont ask) and basically had to use every bandage in my kit (3) to stop the bleeding..

All the commercial ones I have seem to have hundred of plasters etc but are a bit low on the bigger stuff. I was thinking one with burn gel , wound clotter etc.

Thanks in advance... :D


PS. My Boss asked me last week if I wanted to go On a first aid course :roll: , I think now may a bit a good time..... :D
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

tanstaafl wrote:Hi Mark sorry if this has already be asked but.....

Can you or anyone recommend a decent over the shelf kit, I have several £5 or £10 kits dotted all over the place and just managed to slice my foot open (dont ask) and basically had to use every bandage in my kit (3) to stop the bleeding..

All the commercial ones I have seem to have hundred of plasters etc but are a bit low on the bigger stuff. I was thinking one with burn gel , wound clotter etc.

Thanks in advance... :D


PS. My Boss asked me last week if I wanted to go On a first aid course :roll: , I think now may a bit a good time..... :D
Your almost going to be as well building your own....

http://www.screwfix.com/p/wallace-camer ... _container

is a good base

then add trauma dressing of your choice

now If your on the First aid at work or emergency first aid at work they will now cover Catastropic bleeding... which covers the below kit (well mine did)

covering Torniquets, and trauma dressings and hemostatics

I like the Oales dressings as they are a mini kit in one (pressure dressing , gauze and occlusive layter (plastic sheet)

but the isralii dressings pack smaller

https://www.spservices.co.uk/item/Brand ... 896_1.html

http://www.survivalaids.com/british-for ... 0wodUlUKTA

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Celox-Gauze-Th ... B0050CO8VU

https://www.goarmy.co.uk/british-army-b ... Gwod8kwJ6g

celox can be bloody expensive and with a rather short shelf life....

Pressure is the key to stop bleeding and a bit of elevation look at the oales dressing last bad cut i dealt with i had no trauma dressing used a normal hse dressing and a pop bottle cap to apply pressure (apply wound pad to bleed) place cap on top of pad then wrap bandage tightly over it
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: hello, I am medic mark,ask me a question.

Post by tanstaafl »

Cheers Andy good info.....