What do you mean by SHTF?

How are you preparing

What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by LuqmanNaq »

Alot of preppers/survivalists are always talking about what they would do, and what will happen when the SHTF...

I'd like to get an idea of what people mean when they say the SHTF.

What I can gather is that some people believe that something (or a combination) will occur that brings about permanent grid failure, infrastructure breakdown and WROL.

So what do you mean if you use the term SHTF?

Is it a permanent or temporary state of affairs?

And can you give me some historical examples of what you mean?

Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by Meyou »

I'm kinda prepping for both lil SHTF's like a flood or blackouts, to big ones like TEOTWAWKI. Included are unemployment and Illness also.

Part of me hopes I never have to use my preps....another part of me is excited at the prospect of using them. either way, I don't wanna be caught with my pants down...

Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by axelt123 »

An expression - THE SH*T HITS THE FAN
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Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by hobo »

Meyou wrote:I'm kinda prepping for both lil SHTF's like a flood or blackouts, to big ones like TEOTWAWKI. Included are unemployment and Illness also.

Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by beefy0978 »

I'm preppin for an event that turns off the power and closes the shops for 3-4 weeks; maybe a little longer. Something along the lines of katrina or 9/11. That way I can bug in. two small kids will make bugging out a last resort.
Anythin bigger than that i'll already be dead or people will be banging at the door trying to steal what's left (and i'd be lying if there wasn't a little left over for another month or two).

I'm hoping that if the power doesn't come back on I can persuade those around me to pull together and work as a community to start rebuilding.
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Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by jansman »

In order of priority(for me)-unemployment,illness,economic collapse,peak oil.for me I am not worrying about new world order,nuclear war or zombie attack
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.


Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by Triple_sod »

Great question, for me SHTF is a broad catch all term that basically means ‘anything that can go wrong’. As others have said prepping isn’t just about ‘getting ready for the end of the world as we know it’. There are a lot of other events that it’s prudent to prepare for like natural disasters, loss or drop in income... I mean to me it can be as basic as looking up somewhere i have to go on google earth or having enough money for a taxi if i miss the last bus home.
Carrot Cruncher

Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

Yep, i'm with all the above, the shtf to me can mean anything from a lost job to the end of the world, all the seemingly small things that dont really affect that many people but can be personal disaster, to some bigger worldwide events.

I expect my preps to be used more often for the things like power cuts, water problems, unemployment etc than anything else but it pays to be prepared

The world has become so interdependent now that something happening thousands of miles away can have an almost instant and heavy impact on our lives (US house prices for example). People are less able to independently support themselves now than at probably any point in our history. With population growth and the depletion of resources (oil, water, land, minerals), JIT deliveries to shops and factories etc, I cant think of a worse time to be in that situation.

Will we end up in some post apocalyptic world during my life time ? probably not imo (but only probably), but there are certainly going to be some big upheavals that could cause chaos on a small or large scale in a country that depends on the state and big business to provide it with nearly all of the essentials to live

With all that to think about I haven't got time to worry about the imaginary ones :D
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Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by itsybitsy »

Carrot Cruncher wrote:
With all that to think about I haven't got time to worry about the imaginary ones :D
Tinfoil hat? :tinfoil

Sorry, I couldn't resist... :twisted:

Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by pol76 »

I prep for when the nation goes on strike or the oil that keeps the nation moving stops for a while meaning that the shops dont get stocked and the lights are only on for a couple of hours a day

Natural weather events are my next worry but I survived last winter without any problems and floods in the area over the last few years have not got close to effecting my home

I also have used my preps to help other folk in the village who after the event have started to get a few days more food and other items
