What do you mean by SHTF?

How are you preparing
Red Doe

Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by Red Doe »

My own personal STHF is economic meltdown, something I`m already in the throes of. A wee while back, due to the recession and other circumstances ( ill health etc) I had to subsist on my prepped store. That went. I tried to replace it but haven`t been able to, thanks to no finances available. Rising food and fuel costs along with utility hikes which have hit many rural areas hardest have also taken their toll.
I look around at all countries that are struggling economically and wonder where it will all end and what a world emerging from economic meltdown will look like. And will there be a place in it for the likes of me?
I really feel a dog eat dog world is just around the corner.
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Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by diamond lil »

It was always dog eat dog, just covered up with a thin layer of civilisation. But now that's wearing even thinner.. :mrgreen:

Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by buttystella »

Mmmm man eat dog
Big fat bill

Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by Big fat bill »

For me SHTF way back in 2006, closed my business, had not one penny in the bank, no food in the cupboard and no benefits to claim as I was self employed.

After 4 days without food you get to focus your mind a bit and since then I've been preppared for that senario and have built on other versions of SHTF since then.

SHTF doesn't have to be catastrophic meltdown of society but it can still be as simple as losing a job, berevement, even a child going away to uni....

Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by Bladerunner »

Sorry to hear that Bill, but at least you are still big and fat. :lol:

Whilst everyone's own opinion is just that, if it is a major SHTF situation rather than a localised one, it is going to effect all of us at the same time.

Unfortunately, this also means it is going to effect some 60 million people who are no where near to our level of prep. That is the thing that worries me.

I believe the government are prodding us to see how far they can go. The strike with the teachers last week is just one example. Everything is going up in price and not just utilities which are going up by 20% and it is the middle of summer. I have heard from a number of sources that they will be 50% dearer this Winter than last.

Food is going up at a stupid rate that can be seen almost on a weekly basis.

The chancellor puts a penny on petrol yet that seems to have climbed up ridiculously in the last few years. It wasn't that long ago that people were blockading refineries when petrol hit £1 a litre. It is now in the £1.30's with no sign of coming down.

Are wages going up at the same rate to compensate for these rises? Are they stuff. I genuinely believe that something is going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back and we will see civil unrest.

I was talking to a neighbour who works for the police and they were saying that the same thing that is happening to the teachers is happening to the police yet it is illegal for them to strike.

Suppose they did. No one is going to arrest them. And no one will be doing their job while they do. I can see the government foolishly (or deliberately) refusing to be "BLACKMAILED" and not giving in to them. It could be they WANT to see what happens so they can plan for the future.

They don't care about riots in Brixton and Toxteth while they are holed up in Westminster or their country retreats. Sure, the politician for Toxteth aint gonna be too happy but it could just all be a big experiment to see what they can get away with.

The British are renowned for taking it on the chin, biting their lip, not causing a fuss, but when push comes to shove we are like a caged animal and you can only prod a caged animal so many times before it bites your face off.

On the other hand it could just be a power cut, phew.
This is just my opinion and I am sure many of you will disagree. I really do hope I am wrong but it aint gonna stop me from prepping.

Be lucky
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Re: What do you mean by SHTF?

Post by nickdutch »

SHTF is anything. i cant prep for everything. The Universe is not asking me to. In some ways I am already in SHTF as I am low income and life is getting harder.

Who was expecting the England riots? That was SHTF. Who can expect a bad cold? Spraining an ankle?

Most of my SHTF scenarios are about water, energy and food security. Learning how to keep warm, how to make water, how to live truly economically (just a few pounds a week if necessary) food wise.

+So, food preparation / preservation and storage. Inc dehydration
+Making small power solar so that battery charging is ok so lighting can be sorted at night as well as cutting down grid costs with a grid tie inverter.
+Learning wood gas stoves so that I can cook outdoors and at low or near zero cost.
+Getting that lovely distiller so that when I DO have power I will always have water to drink (distilled rain water, dehumidifier water, stream water, urine etc).
There is lots more to it then that though.

I am soon going to have to start stocking up on the apples and vegetables to dehydrate for the winter.

Got to get lots of lentils (brown and green) for boiling and sprouting.

Learning sprouting is brilliant. Food prep without cooking, so low or no energy expense.

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