Winter 2022 what are you doing to get ready

How are you preparing
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Joined: Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:54 pm

Re: Winter 2022 what are you doing to get ready

Post by Frnc »

Heating came on for the first time yesterday morning for a bit. I manually forced it on for a bit in the evening as one lodger came home who'd been away for a few days.
It came on this morning for about 20 minutes.

Checked October gas and electricity use.
Electric was 197 kWh, last year 211.
Gas was 273, last year 510
Total cost October £62 (NB I am on fixed rate, fixed last Sept/Oct)
I suspect gas is well down because I resisted putting the heating on this year.

Gas used last Nov = 1280 = 42.7 per day, so this is my target.

Electricity barely varied month to month last year, but this year I'm experimenting with using an electric fan heater (set to 1/2 and 2/5) instead of C/H if there's only me in the house. I used it most of Wed and the kWh is low, but there are two daily readings of 5.0 so I want to see if it suddenly jumps for Thurs. Occasionally they estimate a day if readings didn't come through.