Cash or card?

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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Bijela »

They are just not laying off all the checkout staff, slowly making them multi skilled.

As for money controls, I can sit here and open a new bank account online in minutes. I did so last year in the UK. But,on the flip side I went in to a bank in Croatia where I have a bank account already and it took almost half an hour. You have to have been given a reciept where ever you buy something. Sister-in-laws pizza/coffee bar has the till linked direct to their version of HRMC for tax.
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by ForgeCorvus »

pseudonym wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:06 pm
rik_uk3 wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:20 pm Snip> Remember if the internet fails supermarket till systems would fail, wouldn't be able to scan your shopping or take cash so your stuffed either way...
My corner shop would, maybe independent shops too?
Big power cut a few years back, the village shop ran on a cash box for a couple of days.
If you were a regular they offered Tick (mostly the Pensioners and people with a newspaper or magazine subscription) all written down in a notebook.
I think they gave away a lot of the freezer stock before it defrosted too much.
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by piglet »

I live in a seaside town.
Last summer I bought an Ice Cream cone from a seafront booth. They would not take cash and insisted on electronic/card payment.
Ok, I can guess why...but it must lose them a certain amount of custom.

But also a small local shop to me take only cash as they said they were charged too much for electronic transactions and by only accepting cash could keep their prices down.
ain't settlin'
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

ForgeCorvus wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:31 pm
pseudonym wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:06 pm
rik_uk3 wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:20 pm Snip> Remember if the internet fails supermarket till systems would fail, wouldn't be able to scan your shopping or take cash so your stuffed either way...
My corner shop would, maybe independent shops too?
Big power cut a few years back, the village shop ran on a cash box for a couple of days.
If you were a regular they offered Tick (mostly the Pensioners and people with a newspaper or magazine subscription) all written down in a notebook.
I think they gave away a lot of the freezer stock before it defrosted too much.
This is why you should forge a relationship with your local independent paper shop admit it's a prep that's slipped lately the b&m is a bit closer easy parking and cheaper... Need to reinstate the Sunday evening walk for some sweets with the kids whilst little man has some innocent charm left :lol: it served well through lockdown for milk she kept me a pint on one side as I often got some for work along with a pasty and or a bag of crisps, rather visit a small shop will less footfall back in covid days but pre that often grabbed some beer and a bottle of pop on the way home from work on a Friday and of the kids were with me (mum at work) they'd snaffle some sweets from daddy's generosity ;)
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by grenfell »

jansman wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 1:31 pm CashLESS is certainly more dominant these days,even by looking at the responses here. A week ago ,I had to have a local locksmith come and sort our upvc door. It was a good job,as it was fix or replace. Payment? Cash or card. He did say he rarely saw cash,but we did pay that way. He gave us 10% discount as a result! :D
Flip side of that is that some folks expect a discount for using cash in that they expect you to not put the job through the books and evade the tax , although there's also a few who will give an extra £5-10 or £20 on top of the price for what they see as good service. Swings and roundabouts. As to the original question we're half and half really. We both get paid in cash and bank transfer and also a couple of cheques every so often too . We like to keep a pot of cash at home but to be paid by transfer only then to have to make a special journey to draw the cash out just to spend it somewhere we could just use another transfer seems a pointless exercise really.
Incidentally Jansman sorry to hear about your problems . I seem to have been visiting here a little sporadically recently and missed exactly what has happened but have picked up the gist . Hope it works out as good as it can for you
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by rik_uk3 »

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Re: Cash or card?

Post by GillyBee »

Businesses that only take card may have to change their ways. This was widely reported a couple of months ago - the Nationwide also reported a 20% increase in cash withdrawals last year. ... 0the%20UK.

i can only see the trend increasing as things get tighter. Chez Gillbee we are a mixed economy. I rarely use cash while Mr Gillybee stringly prefers it. But I end up having to buy things online if he sees something he likes.
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Vitamin c »

rik_uk3 wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:40 am ... s-23991170

worth looking at

That's big brother scary.
Fill er up jacko...
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Frnc »

Some of the shops in Japan had tills where the cashier could just throw a pile of coins in and it would add it all up and tell you how much you still needed to give them. Bit like at banks where you can get rid of all your change. Saves a ton of time, and you know it's right, not that many Japanese people would try and take extra. It's about the most crime-free place in the world. The worst areas in Tokyo are safer than the best areas in the UK.
So you could just give them a load of coins, say 'arigatou gozaimasu!', and let them give you change, or ask for more. And it would only take a second.

Now, gig tickets, that's a whole other story.
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by steptoe »

To the point of cash or card i grew up cash and will die cash sorry we do have a debt card but cash is king for me , i always say cahs when buying because sometimes they say huh .

I think one day i guess cash will become a thing of the past unless we all stand up but in truth how would the poor live in a cashless world , would they be allowed to buy food on a card that has no credit or what to me again what will be will be but it will be long after my time .

I am also in to other forms of payment to knowledge being one and skill set but also things you can trade because in the future who knows , all to have a working crystal ball lol , this leads on to the joke for the day

I think most know my health is crap well i have issues with body failing btu it also puts things in to over drive for now reason like glands meant to react to things mine react to nothing lol yup , so when this first started to happen i was to embarrassed to go to my lady doctor lol it got to a point i was walking like john wayne so wife said enough doctors so in we go me red as a beetroot doc does her work wife sat the other side of the curtain now bare in mind we always joke with the docs so doc goes out from behind curtain and chats tothe wife telling her it is my body playing uop but she wants bloods done incase lol and then i hear my wife laugh and the doc laugh as my wife says to the doc wow so it is only the left one so thats not a bonus ball it is the golden ball , nasty huh me in pain and them joking but again likei say it is a giggle .