Self defence ideas

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Self defence ideas

Post by Sarahjane22 »

I'm looking for advice on what I can legally carry for self defence. I walk my dog a lot in fairly isolated places ( my dog is a big softie and likely wouldn't be much help ) I do like to walk and hike where there are no people ideally, so moving our walks to a park is not an option.
I've done martial arts for many years, but I've never been all that good at it. I'm not 100% confident that I could defend myself. I'm small, blonde and probably look like a very easy target. The world is fast declining and I really want to feel safer. I used to carry a knife and now because of laws, I do not. I'm considering a heavy wooden walking stick although I don't need one, or a spare metal dog chain. There may be alternatives I've missed?
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Re: Self defence ideas

Post by jansman »

If you have a walking stick - whilst walking- then your reaction to attack would be understood. However,that is a fine line. How much ‘reaction’ you have can go against you.If you really hurt an attacker and police or medics turn up to your attacker ,you WILL be arrested.

Best thing: avoid the situation in the first place.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.

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Re: Self defence ideas

Post by Sarahjane22 »

I understand 😊 in all honesty, I absolutely would try to avoid any kind of conflict because I hate it. The thing that got me thinking is that a woman out running was almost pulled into a van on a country road nearby. I don't know the full details but she got away thankfully, with minor injuries. The police were not interested, or far too busy sadly.
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Re: Self defence ideas

Post by Nurseandy »

An interesting dwa I heard was to put a muzzle on your dog (however timid he is) - it gives the impression of an aggressive dog.
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Re: Self defence ideas

Post by Sarahjane22 »

That's actually a brilliant idea. I don't think he'd tolerate one being on constantly, but I could put one on if someone was behind us etc and make a show of holding him back. Hes a big dog, just very laid back and happy. Thank you. I'll try this.
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Re: Self defence ideas

Post by Frnc »

A would-be attacker doesn't know your dog isn't much good at defence would he? Unless it's tiny.

I can only advise carrying a whistle or personal alarm. Using a stick or chain could get you done, as Jansman says.

Can you run fast?
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Re: Self defence ideas

Post by Whitetailprepper »

If you’re not confident in carrying a knife due to laws. Carry a pen. There’s also the metal/ “tactical” type you can buy now. A metal dog chain is a good idea, a hefty padlock on one end will do well. metal water bottles and large metal torches. Bunches of keys on the end of a cord etc.

All of these are legal to carry, however used in self defence you’ll definitely face some form of legal action I imagine.

I’ve done martial arts 10+ years, competed and taught classes and the best thing you can possibly do is be aware of your situations & surroundings and be a good runner.
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Self defence ideas

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Problem you have in law is that anything carried as a weapon could land you in hot water
Section 1 of the Prevention of Crime Act 1953 provides that an offensive weapon is any article made or adapted for use for causing injury to the person, or intended by the person having it with him for such use by him or by some other person.

Suppose you could argue it doesn't say her :lol:

Get a dog chain rather than a nylon strap obviously it's heavy and wrapped round your hand or spun round your head might make an impact

We do try and stay clear of weapons as it's such a troublesome area in the eyes of the law and draws unwarranted attention to the forum..

Face traffic when walking

Set up a shortcut to Facebook live any problem start filming live to FB lots of friends will see it and there's a safe online storage of any footage if they take your phone..

Decent stout boots with a decent sole and toe box. Kicking an attacker square in the brown jewels will have far more impact...

Tatty workman's coat makes you look like your handy and strong (more agro than your worth to a wrongun)
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: Self defence ideas

Post by Arzosah »

The personal alarms are amazing, or they were. I bought one originally because of a problem counselling client. They're *astonishingly* loud - I know what to expect, and it still makes me want to cover my ears :lol:
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Re: Self defence ideas

Post by Arzosah »

And just to keep it a little bit light hearted, even though the prospect is horrendous, think of Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality: SING: solar plexus, instep, nose, groin