Hello John got a new motor.

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Re: Hello John got a new motor.

Post by Medusa »

Public transport needs to be improved. I live semi rurally and can get to my nearest city in 15 minutes in the car, 25 on the bus at a cost of £5.50 return, however I cannot get to one of the nearest towns where I work on the bus without travelling into the city and back out again which would take about 90 mins each way on the bus. I hate driving and would happily take public transport if it was more convenient and cheaper. Taxis are an absolute joke as there are few around here and so charge a premium and I could not consider a bike as I am not safe on 2 wheels although I did get stuck in a traffic jam caused by a lady channeling her inner wicked witch of the west on a tricycle once complete with dog carrier basket on the front, Doc Martens and long flowing scarf
Growing old disgracefully!