Thinking about winter 24-25....

How are you preparing
Yorkshire Andy
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Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Yes I know it's warm but most will have noticed that the nights are slowly pulling in on an evening :(

So it's time to start thinking of winter whilst you can get some jobs done in relative comfort :lol:

Past few weeks I've been slowly chipping at little jobs that need doing..

The Shed has had a coat of paint proper solvent stuff it now shrugs water off well...

Half way through a good garden tidy full garden waste bin stopping play on that task... For now

Gutters cleared out...

The little square of decking is about passed it but that might wait until next spring

Garden lights need a bit of tlc some need the batteries charging. Solar ones need panels cleaning..

Bit of fencing to replace and ideally the other side needs a lick of paint ....

Both cars have had a look over wife's tyres are getting low ISH but still plenty legal (about 4mm ) and her new job is walking distance from home so no longer a high end priority unlike the 25 mile each way motorway drive..

Smoke alarm batteries to replace (always do it towards the end of the summer holidays)

Door and window lock and hinges usually get a bit of oil / grease as appropriate and locks graphite powdered..

Cupboards need a sort out and food stocks taking we scratched the surface so to say the past month with the wife being laid off we didn't go hungry ..... Or short of anything bar tomato ketchup and the 12yo attitude when there wasn't any left despite basting every meal with the stuff and the subtle and not so subtle hints of not using so much went ignored.. so she can wait till payday for more :lol: :lol: :twisted: not thay shes spied the 2 full bottles in the back of the cupboard :mrgreen:

Both cars are full but that's fairly standard with Iran rattling it's not a bad thing

Need to fill the jerry can for the allotment at some point..

LPG bottles are all full (refillable refilled after camping)

Another order of AA and AAA batteries probably wouldn't go amiss before the real dark nights start

Oh and brake down cover is due next week they ain't getting it too early :mrgreen:

Taken stocks of winter kit need some new thermals this year .. but car kits will be ok and got stockpile of deicer / screen wash and deicing salt for the paths cheap this spring when it was being sold off .......
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Re: Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Medusa »

You sound very organised Yorkshire Andy. We also have adequate supplies of screenwash and de-icer but tend to use grit sand rather than the salt. We have plenty of food and water, torches and lanterns and batteries and emergency chargers. Husband has spent pretty much all day chopping the free pallets we get and I will order a load of logs next week along with ordering the oil for the boiler. I have been buying OTC meds every time I leave the house and have bought a large first aid bag which is now stocked up rather than the old box we used previously. Lots of tissues and loo roll too. The front door has been draught proofed as it was like a fridge in the vestibule. I also need to chop some kindling, husband was insistent that we had plenty last year and we ran out and has said the same this year so I will not rely on his judgement :lol: The floodlights down the drive and in the garden are all in good order for now. It seems very dark here tonight.
Growing old disgracefully!
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Medusa wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:14 pm You sound very organised Yorkshire Andy. We also have adequate supplies of screenwash and de-icer but tend to use grit sand rather than the salt. We have plenty of food and water, torches and lanterns and batteries and emergency chargers. Husband has spent pretty much all day chopping the free pallets we get and I will order a load of logs next week along with ordering the oil for the boiler. I have been buying OTC meds every time I leave the house and have bought a large first aid bag which is now stocked up rather than the old box we used previously. Lots of tissues and loo roll too. The front door has been draught proofed as it was like a fridge in the vestibule. I also need to chop some kindling, husband was insistent that we had plenty last year and we ran out and has said the same this year so I will not rely on his judgement :lol: The floodlights down the drive and in the garden are all in good order for now. It seems very dark here tonight.

Well my dad cleaned out his garage gutters yesterday and the gutter fell off :lol: the barge board and "joist" that ties the roof sheets to the wall has rotted to the point you could see into the garage from the outside .. so that's this weekends task. :roll: ...

Old woods removed exposing the total (I'll self censor) :shock: flipping lash up done by a so called roofer about 7 years ago... .. new wooden joist fixed into place tonight and bonded to the brickwork (usually id screw it but thatd need the whole roof off) itll get some wall ties fitted in next week ..So tomorrow it's a 20 mile drive to a big roofing depot we use at work to get the correct components and put the mess right for him glad I'm reasonably handy :mrgreen:
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Re: Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Frnc »

It's a good time to check all expiry dates for food, batteries, first aid etc. Also smoke alarm age and when battery was last replaced. I usually charge NiMH batteries in October if they are in storage. I just bought eight, as I was getting low.

Should be getting the boiler serviced in September.

I have turned the thermostat down a bit, as we now have double glazed windows in the bedrooms.

All jobs are done on the house, touch wood. I just planted a small tree in the front garden, after removing the paving slabs. It is only a few feet from the house, but hopefully it will only grow a bit, and slowly. It is an Acer Palmatum. No slabs means I can access the condensate soakaway, but I think that is ok now. I put limestone chips around the outside, on the side where the holes are, to stop it getting blocked with mud, and to neutralise the acidity of the water.

End of Sept I rotate a few clothes that I don't normally wear day to day, but could be useful if I had to evacuate. For example winter hiking socks and gloves.

In the autumn I will charge my bike lights and rotate things like gloves and caps (which go under my helmet). I actually have about 8 pairs of gloves for different conditions. I now know I have Reynauds, which explains it. I don't notice it in my feet so much on the bike, but I do at other times. I switch to thin wool socks in the winter, for day to day and on the bike.
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Well a busy 24 hours

Last night resulted in 2x visits to b&q. Initially for 3x2.4m of 2x3 CLS treated dry graded this was cut to fit then bedded on pu foam adhesive to thr brick work as i couldn't fix from above / sideways.. short of stripping the complete roof....

My dad had already removed the pvcu facia and gutter we ripped the okd wood out ..

Quick measure we got some 3/4*3" to bring the gutter brackets out a bit...

£70 in wood and adhesive

Then this morning was a 40 minute drive to Stockton on Forrest to Jackson's roofing suppliers .. got some folded steel *drip" from the bargain bin £12 for 3m ...the last monkey to attempt to fit the roof had completely FUBAR this step and cut the important bits away leading to water getting between the roof sheet and the joists ..
got some 6" flanged strip 4 1/2" under with a 1 1/2" strip drip after a 30° ish down Turn into the gutter

So today we re fitted the uPVC board and gutter brackets to the new timber the shoved the new flashing up having added 2x beads of sealer .. cut new foam triangles for the ridges using a camping stove and wall paper scraper..(hot blade) and refixed the roofing sheet and drip to the beam and finally refitted the guttering..

I worked the past few years at work helping put up tin industrial buildings made of the same steel sheets for once my dad bowed down to my knowledge and let me crack on without questioning :lol: :lol: got to the roofing shop name dropped who i work for now scored a discount :mrgreen: still came to £140.. :shock: (sheet / screws / stitchers / caps / sealant/adhesive...

Hopefully that's a big job out the way. Dad's happy ... Mums happy I saved him from stress / falling off the ladders ...
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

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Re: Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Arzosah »

Yorkshire Andy wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 9:59 pm Well a busy 24 hours

Hopefully that's a big job out the way. Dad's happy ... Mums happy I saved him from stress / falling off the ladders ...
You're amazing :D the level of knowledge and ability to do it is just incredible! I bet your mum and dad are quite proud too, as well as happy.
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Arzosah wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:28 am
Yorkshire Andy wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 9:59 pm Well a busy 24 hours

Hopefully that's a big job out the way. Dad's happy ... Mums happy I saved him from stress / falling off the ladders ...
You're amazing :D the level of knowledge and ability to do it is just incredible! I bet your mum and dad are quite proud too, as well as happy.
I'm no tradesman but with a bit of thinking I can turn my hands to most tasks I've a decent collection of tools so has My dad that's half the battle

My dad also has a old scaffolding tower which makes jobs like this a bit safer ..

Some light fingered "garden services" working next door nearly had it away about 2 months ago he caught them mid light fingerings.... They soon put it back after some words were exchanged.. and the brother in-law poked his head out the back door he looks like a big ginger gypsy ex rugby player he's a big lad :lol:

Then last week he caught the nextdoor neighbours son trying to shift it. Their dad died about a year ago and they thought it was their dad's DESPITE it being against my dad's house wall......... So there was some legitimatecy what the garden services was saying... But my dad thinks they do t like it looking unsightly guess it's off up for sale soon....... :twisted: He crapped himself as I put a CCTV camera with alarm up covering that area... dad got the notification on his phone and was out like a shot in full blown rage :lol:
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Frnc »

I have a winter to do list. Also a summer one. It's mostly prep or bike related, which is prep anyway. Done two items on it, charged two out of three bike lights (I have a spare rear as they were sold in twos). Recharged the batteries in mini torches in BOB and bike bag.

Decided it was a bit risky planting the tree so close to the house, so gonna put it in a pot. If it gets nicked, I'll get something else.
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Been very windy here today showed what needs securing before any bad weather hits :lol:

Ten to 9 and it's nearly dark :(

Lidl tonight got some spray grease and spray graphite and spray silicone that'll do the locks, hinges and uPVC rubbers this weekend
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: Thinking about winter 24-25....

Post by Frnc »

Yep, getting dark early now. One thing I need to do soon is check the outdoor security lights. Both are solar powered. My good bike lives inside now, but they protect the back door. One faces east, but the panel on that is separate, and is facing south.

I've gone through the thermostat timings and temperatures, to suit one lodger who goes to work early three days a week. Turned it 0.5° down from last year. Last winter we used a bit more heating than the year before, but hopefully the new windows and dehumidifier will mean we use a bit less this year.