Staying positive

How are you preparing

Re: Staying positive

Post by preppingsu »

Carrot Cruncher wrote:This is meant to be a prepping site ffs.

I wont bother posting the link to scoobs announcement again as no body seems to read the thing anyway.

No wonder preppers and prepping don't get taken seriously

And with that rant I will leave you all to it, lifes way too short to spend it reading a load of delusional BS

I may pop back in 2013 just to say I told you so ;)
CC, please stay, you know most of us are focused on prepping, only a small minority wear a tinfoil hat :tinfoil . Perhaps they could focus their 'out there' theories on another site and talk about prep here. But I know how you feel - it is a struggle to prep and we need the support of each other. :)
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diamond lil
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Re: Staying positive

Post by diamond lil »

Yes, and we need you to keep us from floating away. COME BACK AND WE PROMISE WE'LL BEHAVE!
well some of will :twisted:

Re: Staying positive

Post by preppingsu »

diamond lil wrote:Yes, and we need you to keep us from floating away. COME BACK AND WE PROMISE WE'LL BEHAVE!
well some of will :twisted:
I'm a very good girl......................sometimes :twisted:

Re: Staying positive

Post by Brambling01 »

Carrot Cruncher wrote:
*holds hand up* erm, evidence to support your statements please?

I really am getting sick of all the conspiracies, elinin, 2012, and every other bit of BS conspiracy shite that keeps cropping up. This is meant to be a prepping site ffs.

I wont bother posting the link to scoobs announcement again as no body seems to read the thing anyway.

No wonder preppers and prepping don't get taken seriously

And with that rant I will leave you all to it, lifes way too short to spend it reading a load of delusional BS

I may pop back in 2013 just to say I told you so ;)


Re: Staying positive

Post by Panther »

I tried to warn the moderators several weeks ago that some members were becoming disillusioned due to the increasing number of non-prepping posts where people express political views, conspiracy theories and bigoted rants, and that they were about to lose members because of it.
If CC has left it is a very sad loss for UK-Preppers; he has given mature, well-balanced and highly informative contributions over the past months, as has Red Doe, another escapee from the sight.
Please stick to prepping matters otherwise even more will lose interest and go elsewhere.

Re: Staying positive

Post by Technik »

Well, it is said that if you think positive then you will attract positive things in life - it works with me! :D

There are many stories but I remember two of them very well - one is a young lad that lost his face (you could hardly tell if he was facing you front or back, it was that bad) and when they started recreating it through countless surgeries and when he eventually started speaking again he said that only now he knows how beautiful life is!
The other story is quite similar, of a woman that lost half of her face, including both eyes, arm and half of the other hand and it was all ripped off by a chimpanzee that she was feeding. Can you imagine your face and arm being ripped off??? The animal was kept in a private mansion in US and was on some antidepresion pills. For some reason it kicked off and attacked the woman which was asked by her boss to feed the animal (I think she was a gardener there - not a keeper). The woman survived, poor animal has been shot by police and the owner is being sued. After all that the woman said the same thing, that only now she enjoys everything in life. She doesn't blame the animal and is not angry at anyone, she just wants to continue on with her life, even though it will be much different now.

That's what happens - people are so concentrated on their everyday life and every little problem, that they don't see the beauty that surrounds us!

Re: Staying positive

Post by TimeisRunningOut »

Carrot Cruncher wrote:
*holds hand up* erm, evidence to support your statements please?

I really am getting sick of all the conspiracies, elinin, 2012, and every other bit of BS conspiracy shite that keeps cropping up. This is meant to be a prepping site ffs.

I wont bother posting the link to scoobs announcement again as no body seems to read the thing anyway.

No wonder preppers and prepping don't get taken seriously

And with that rant I will leave you all to it, lifes way too short to spend it reading a load of delusional BS

I may pop back in 2013 just to say I told you so ;)
Clearly you aint read my post
Did I say anything about end of the world?
Judgement day?

Here's a fact for ya

99.9% of CONSPIRACY THEORIES come straight out of the pentagon

Because like you said,
They make the real "truth" bearer's look crazy

Thanks for contributing to the problem :mrgreen:

I guess you aren't operating on a spiritual wavelength my friend
I can prove my claims about the government (peice of cake)
I can't prove that you are a spiritual being though.........

That's something YOU have to figure out in your own time, space etc.

For you to tie up spirituality and the gradual evolving of the human mind in the same group as some stupid conspiracy theories(and there are tons) then you arent any worse than Bush in my mind because thats exactly what he would have done

Pop back in 2013.... did I say the earth wasn't gonna be here?
Once again, putting words in my mouth
I expect to be MORE than alive in 2013 and I expect (some) of you to be too if you have enough preps to last you till then (i think the economy COULD (maybe) crash well before then)

Where's the outrageous conspiracy theory claim here?

Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My bad..................
You didn't even realise you had a pineal gland so you had to bash me :mrgreen:
Didnt your momma ever teach you manners? Especially to those who speak truth (the real spiritual and metaphysicial truth)

Im 21 .......... i guess you are (probably) much older and much more deep-rooted in your material way of thinking that you won't be able to comprehend what I'm saying, though you will deffo remember what I said :) PEACE FROM A SLIGHTLY SPIRITUAL CHAVVY 8-)

Re: Staying positive

Post by TimeisRunningOut »

Technik wrote:Well, it is said that if you think positive then you will attract positive things in life - it works with me! :D

the beauty that surrounds us!

Couldn't agree more :) :D
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diamond lil
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Re: Staying positive

Post by diamond lil »

We all have our own beliefs, mine would shock more than a few of you :twisted: but please can we just do prepping stuff only in here or else we will end up shut down. Is a good forum with good people - dont want to lose it. Anything weird - post over in the American forums, they're all bloody batty anyway.

Re: Staying positive

Post by Technik »

I think to keep it a prep site only the moderators should simply delete any non-prep posts/topics. I know I used to post some of these myself but stopped because these don't belong here and wouldn't feel ofended if any of the mods would delete my topics/posts. I'm a mod on a different, military website and we constantly delete non related topics/posts.

And one more thing - CC will you stay if we send you a box of mantles for your new lamp? :D I think I would miss you the most over here :roll: