Winter Storage Ideas

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture

Winter Storage Ideas

Post by preppingsu »

Please share how you are storing your home grown produce here.
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diamond lil
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Re: Winter Storage Ideas

Post by diamond lil »

:mrgreen: Well it was such a bad year that we already et them :mrgreen:
Red Doe

Re: Winter Storage Ideas

Post by Red Doe »

Same as Lil, pretty much. Summer in the north was a washout, again. So little actually grew.
But I did freeze some of what I did get. Made mash and chips, froze both lots and tried them out, fab. :)
Froze cabbage, parsnips and carrots. That's about it though.
Oh, I did dry bunches of mint, by hanging upside down from the clothes airer in the kitchen. Will use it over winter for mint tea and sauces. :)
And with the wee drop of basil I got, I froze portions of it mixed with olive oil to use in pasta sauces etc. :)
Glut eggs, separated, whisked and froze in portions of four to a bag, useful for baking and cooking, or even scrambled egg.
Made pies for the freezer by using a small amount of mince, 'fake' mince I bulk bought from Approved Foods, some home grown diced veg and gravy, topped with shortcrust pastry and frozen to be popped straight in the oven when needed. :)
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Re: Winter Storage Ideas

Post by hobo »

First year of growing for me.
Got 10 jars of jam. half a freezer full of various fruit (berries), about 30lbs potatoes left between newspapers in the dark and and a few lbs of onions strung up.

Re: Winter Storage Ideas

Post by dizzydays »

No garden , tubs only, and no summer pretty much sorted this year out. Let's not mention the fancy Italian runners that the slugs loved. Potatoes did well but they're eaten now. I've got late potatoes and carrots in tubs, but the slugs, now they've run out of beans, have moved to the potatoes !! They've stripped all the foliage so I'm guessing there won't be any spuds in the pots <sigh> I swear - I'm taking a shotgun to the slugs next year.

On the plus side, a lot of the local farms sell stuff fairly cheap by the side of the road (put the money in a tin sort of thing) and I've got caulis/runner beans/cabbage in the freezer and made jams.


Re: Winter Storage Ideas

Post by preppingsu »

I have carrots, runner beans, french beans, sweetcorn, stewed apple, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries in thr freezer. More than enough to get through the winter.
Poatatoes in sacks - probably not enough to get through the winter judging by how many/how fast we are eating them.
Parsnips - layered in sawdust in large shoeboxes - first time I've tried this so it will be interesting to see how they last. Still have some in the ground for christmas.
Chillies hung up and drying in the airing cupboard.
Have made cucumber pickle, gooseberry jam, blackberry and apple jam and pickled sooo many beetroot!

I am concerned however, if we have an extensive power cut I could potentially loose my frozen food so next year my aim to so be able to perserve/store in different ways so we'll always have some produce available.
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Re: Winter Storage Ideas

Post by hobo »

Ah, chiilis, I forgot! Still have some ready to pick in the greenhouse plus 100+ cherry tomatoes left!