Thanks for the info
This is the Day Course I was considering, £120 from here, . They run quite a lot of different ones including a "Curing & Smoking" one for the same price which I fancy doing as well
Any thoughts, good or bad ?
Wild Meat Day
Course Tutor
Marc Frederic
What you will learn
Wild meats are becoming increasingly popular, but lack of familiarity often puts people off from buying these tasty meats. Your tutor demonstrates the skinning of a deer carcass, and teaches you how to skin and joint a rabbit, and pluck game birds. This is a hands-on day as you will be skinning and plucking yourself! There’s a lot to fit into this day. As well as preparing the meats, you will be shown how to create attractive roasting joints, make venison sausages, potted meats (rillettes), and try your hand at making a game pie. Marc has done some game keeping himself, so can answer all your questions about where to buy game and what to look for. At the end of the day, everybody takes away a selection of the foods made during the day.
The range of game animals covered on this day varies through the year, as different animals come into season. Summer days usually include venison, rabbit, pigeon, and if available, squirrel and hare, while winter days usually include venison, rabbit, pheasant, and partridge.
The numbers on these days are limited to 12 people so that everybody can see what is going on and ask questions.
Most of the day takes place in the butchery which is not heated so warm clothing and thick socks are needed! We provide protective clothing.
The price includes all tuition, course notes, light lunch and refreshments during the day