After watching a few vids on youtube about dehydrating veg to make mash I've decided to have a go. Now I love mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, winter mash(swede, carrot, parsnip and potato) and mashed squash. So, I am going to run a few experimets in my little dehydrator. The method that seems to be favoured is make a mash then spread it over the tray and then dehydrate. Once dry it's broken up and then blitzed in a blender.
I have an idea and am going to give it a try. So the method I wil try is run the veg through a potato ricer and carefully spread over the trays. Hopefully the mash will dry as granules and will not need blitzing. I'll let you know tomorrow!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain~anon
Re: Experiments!
Sounds good! Remember to take some photos if you can.Brambles wrote:After watching a few vids on youtube about dehydrating veg to make mash I've decided to have a go. Now I love mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, winter mash(swede, carrot, parsnip and potato) and mashed squash. So, I am going to run a few experimets in my little dehydrator. The method that seems to be favoured is make a mash then spread it over the tray and then dehydrate. Once dry it's broken up and then blitzed in a blender.
I have an idea and am going to give it a try. So the method I wil try is run the veg through a potato ricer and carefully spread over the trays. Hopefully the mash will dry as granules and will not need blitzing. I'll let you know tomorrow!
Re: Experiments!
really good idea, keep us posted on the outcomeI have an idea and am going to give it a try. So the method I wil try is run the veg through a potato ricer and carefully spread over the trays. Hopefully the mash will dry as granules and will not need blitzing. I'll let you know tomorrow!
Re: Experiments!
I'm very partial to a bit of mashed spud myself, at the moment I have a few tups of "Smash" stashed away, would be good to know how well it turns out.
I'm very partial to a bit of mashed spud myself, at the moment I have a few tups of "Smash" stashed away, would be good to know how well it turns out.
Re: Experiments!
Very good idea Brambles. I don't know if you're planning to boil the veg first to make them soft but I think boiling would take a lot of goodness out of them, steming would be a better option.
Re: Experiments!
and let us know how the re-hydration goes too
and let us know how the re-hydration goes too
reperio a solutio
Resident and Co-Ordinator of AREA 2
Area 2 = Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks
Resident and Co-Ordinator of AREA 2
Area 2 = Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks
Re: Experiments!
I boiled the Sweet potato whole in their skins and let them cool before removing skins and cutting into rough chunks.
I lined the trays with baking parchment.
Riced directly onto trays, and got this.
After 10 hours of dehydrating, it looked like this. Sorry about the crappy pic. My camera doesn't do night-time!
I put some into a bowl.
15 minutes later, I had mashed sweet potato again!(I did bring it to the boil in a saucepan to speed things along)
The finished article. 2kg equivalent.
There was no difference in the texture although the taste had a more caramel flavour.
I'm going to try potatoes next, using the exact same method.
I boiled the Sweet potato whole in their skins and let them cool before removing skins and cutting into rough chunks.
I lined the trays with baking parchment.
Riced directly onto trays, and got this.
After 10 hours of dehydrating, it looked like this. Sorry about the crappy pic. My camera doesn't do night-time!
I put some into a bowl.
15 minutes later, I had mashed sweet potato again!(I did bring it to the boil in a saucepan to speed things along)
The finished article. 2kg equivalent.
There was no difference in the texture although the taste had a more caramel flavour.
I'm going to try potatoes next, using the exact same method.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain~anon
Re: Experiments!
Did it taste as it should?
Did it taste as it should?
Re: Experiments!
Great thread, thanks for sharing.
Two is one and one is none, but three is even better.
Re: Experiments!
Pretty much itsy. It had a slight caramel flavour, but as with everything that's preserved one way or another the flavour and/or texture is altered.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain~anon