I found this tonight

How are you preparing

I found this tonight

Post by the-gnole »

So why is this in here, well it is all a part of the process.
Final thought: A Message of Hope

Finally, I want to give a message of hope to you all, and remind you and me both that survival is about surviving, but not for the mere fact of living , but to live happy, rich lives.
Prepare because it’s the smart thing to do, and not because you are looking forward to SHTF and other disasters.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that TSHTF will be a brand new start for you, and that all your problems will just go away and you’ll have a new start in the brave new world.
It doesn’t work that way. Quite the contrary, everything will get worse, small problems will turn into bigger, more serious problems. If you have drinking problems, you’ll drink more, if you can’t keep a job, you’ll spend years unemployed, if you have a disease, you’ll see that it’s harder to get attention and medications. Again everything gets WORSE.
Someone once asked me, “How is it that you can’t shoot a criminal 200 metres away, but police don’t do anything to stop them?”
SHTF, whatever type of crisis it may be, isn’t fair. It will be absolutely unfair.
You’ll have good, honest people starving, while corrupt ones make profit, you won’t have a cop to protect you but they sure will come after you when a criminal presses false charges against you. That’s the way it works.
So, anyone looking forward to TEOTWAWKI for a fresh start, better think again, and get your life straighten out NOW.
Survivalists are often considered as dark fatalists, doomsday worshipers. This is not so, the real survivalist should not be like this.
Negative people will have a hard time dealing with a crisis. It takes a positive, good natured person to make it through.
Know that there are dangers, and situations you cannot predict and prepare as best as you can for them. But never forget to live life at its fullest.
You and I, we don’t know how long we have on this Earth, so make the best out of it, each passing minute.
A survivalist should not be a pessimist, he should always be positive, happy and enjoying life more than anyone else because he understands that each minute of peace we have is precious and unique, and he never takes it for granted.
The way I see it, the survivalist is a vital, fit, ever curious, good humoured person. He’s fit because he takes care of his body, and his body takes care of him, he’s curious, because he thinks that it’s important to learn new things all the time, and he enjoys learning, he has a good humour because he’s sure of himself, and treats others the way he wants to be treated.
That’s how we should behave. Being a survivalist is 90% mental attitude. And even if SHTF does not occur in our life, that attitude makes our life more rich and fulfilling.
There are things in life we can control and others we can’t, the survivalist way of thinking makes sure we control those we can and accept those we can’t.
So, if you have that mentality, either by having a fully independent homestead or simply a few funds, some supplies, a couple of weapons and bug out bags, set that chin a little higher, walk a little bit straighter, no matter if you are a doctor or accountant, trucker or plumber, be proud my friend, because you are a dying breed.
You are, without a doubt, a better person.

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Re: I found this tonight

Post by hobo »

Hear, hear!

Re: I found this tonight

Post by maxilaura »

good post

Re: I found this tonight

Post by prepdaddy »

never seen a more exact quote .... nice one and thanks for the post ;)
Attack Warning Red

Re: I found this tonight

Post by Attack Warning Red »

Great stuff. Thanks for sharing!
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Re: I found this tonight

Post by scoobie »

That should form a part of every prepper/survivalists ethos!
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail - Benjamin Franklin
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Re: I found this tonight

Post by edward.21 »

im a prepper a plumber and proud :P

Re: I found this tonight

Post by the-gnole »

edward.21 wrote:im a prepper a plumber and proud :P
SNAP! :lol:
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Re: I found this tonight

Post by edward.21 »

what are the chances :?:

Re: I found this tonight

Post by the-gnole »

edward.21 wrote:what are the chances :?:
You'd be surprised, but are you a "Modern plumber (NVQ)" or an "old hand" (City and Guilds) ?