Provided it's been done correctly it should last several years. Generally people think in terms of one year, but in actuality it can be much longer.gadgetguy wrote:Roseandtea can you tell me how long meat keeps after canning it? I have had a quick look at the canning usa site and like the idea of meals in a jar that have been made by myself.Going to do some more research to see where you get jars/lids etc any help would be gratefully recievedRosesandtea wrote:Ooh lucky you . I have not done any smoking or other drying of meat so I'll be interested to see what replies you get. I pressure can meats I get on sale but have not done any game.
I get jars and lids (and replacement flat discs) from Lakeland. They sell Kilner, both the traditional British type with the glass lid with rubber seal, and also the jars more like the US Mason jars with the two-piece lid system. The Kilner jars are also available in other places, you just have to keep your eye out.
Another make I like are Leifheit jars - I have bought mine from the Emporium, I think. A bit more expensive and they are in a funky shape (oval) but they are really sturdy and hold up to pressure canning well, as do the Kilners.
Avoid the cheap glass that you can find in some shops, made in China. You can use them in water bath canning (fruits, jams, etc) but they will not hold up to pressure canning.
Hope this helps.