Insects as a source of protein

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture

Re: Insects as a source of protein

Post by NinjaDad »

It was mentioned on the History Channel's "After Armageddon" (That I noticed has been linked in another thread) saying things like ants and beetles have in fact more protein than beef. ... re=related (skip to 8:09)
Unfortunately, it doesn't mention anything about if there's any that are unsafe to eat. I think the biggest challenge would be to collect enough to make it worthwile.

Re: Insects as a source of protein

Post by bulldogeagle »

they would probably taste better if you "flash" fried them !
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Re: Insects as a source of protein

Post by nickdutch »

bulldogeagle wrote:they would probably taste better if you "flash" fried them !

So, dont you need to remove any "black veins" like you do with crayfish? and what about shelling them? Isnt that necessary or can you just crunch through the shells?
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Re: Insects as a source of protein

Post by KalPrep »

I don't have first hand knowledge but you find on a lot of the documentaries that they don't waste the energy shelling most stuff as it can be crunched through, or like eating some fruit, you just spit out the indelible bits after mushing out the good stuff.

Dunno if my stomach could take em raw, more probable if I was eating em off a stick like a kebab :D

Re: Insects as a source of protein

Post by chefsam »

try Chia seeds

for 200g of seeds you get 30g protein.

ultimate survival food.

Re: Insects as a source of protein

Post by Bladerunner »

TeeDee wrote:
I don't understand how we in this country say eating something like Horse is wrong but Shrimp/Prawns is Ok , but Woodlice is also wrong????
Eating Shrimps and Prawns is not OK. They are minging. End of. No debate. I would rather eat horse.

I used to be a roadie many years ago and we stopped off in Bradford for something to eat at an ungodly hour. We could only find one place open and I ordered a chicken breast. I have no idea what I was sold, but me and 2 of my mates were convinced that it was not in any way, chicken related.

It tasted fine and I ate it but if it turned out to be dog I would not be in the least bit surprised.

I find it really annoying when people try and persuade me to eat something I don't fancy and tell me it tastes like chicken. Well why the hell don't you just eat chicken then?????????

Be lucky (and galline)

Insects as a source of protein

Post by The-Great-Nothing »


Interesting subject this. I would go for woodlice - worth a go. The chaps in the video seemed impressed. Just might not be worth the effort.

I definitely want to try snails. Every time I lift a tarp or plastic bucket at the allotment - there are tens and tens if them. Easy pickings. From what I know - it is just a case of containing them for 48 hours with clean food (few lettuce leaves) to clean then out. Then I think you boil them. Flick them out the shell - then fry in butter with garlic. Yum. Had them in France & they are nice.

Bon apertit!

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Re: Insects as a source of protein

Post by Glydr »

I tried a woodlouse other day, cooked by the method demonstrated above. I have to say I wasn't terribly impressed. It didn't taste bad, didnt taste of anything at all really, had to spit it out but more because of texture than taste, I can only describe it as like eating a tiny wad of dried grass.