I do have a vacuum sealer like in the vids but didnt use it for stuff im putting in mylar + buckets, bit overkill if u ask me, but i might give it a go ! ( you can't actually directly vacuum seal mylar bags with one of those machines btw, they need specially designed bags with air channels inside.)Justin Time wrote: Anyone using one of those foodsaver machines?
A few extra tips:
1) leave your oxygen absorbers exposed to air for as little time as possible, do all the packing + partially seal the bag up before you even open the package the absorbers. Open and add them at the end, remember you need to seal up any unused ones as soon as possible.
2) As many people here want to keep their preps private, I'd recommend labelling the bags/buckets with numbers and keeping a list of contents. A 5gallon bucket with 'Pasta' written on it stands out a bit, if it just has a '3' it could be any old junk you are storing out of the way