Energy from the vacuum - Bedini

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Re: Energy from the vacuum - Bedini

Post by Chef »

Well, as I said I'm not very familiar with Bedini's work but Nikola Tesla was often derided for his ideas, take AC electricity for example, Eddison was making fortunes out of DC and went to bizarre lengths to try and prove that AC wasn't possible and or deadly, he even electrocuted animals in the streets, what do we all use nowdays to power our cities/homes. Tesla was really hung out to dry when he reasoned that electricity could be sent through the atmosphere from one place to another with no wires, yet we have microwave technology that beams energy.

I think we're so inundated with technology that we forget that it wasn't that long ago that the computers we're all using to post would have been deemed impossible, yet here they are and still evolving at a tremendous rate, 8 cores in one processor, quite impressive but that's nowhere near the limit. :)

I've got an open mind. :D

Re: Energy from the vacuum - Bedini

Post by maddriver »

All jesting aside, I am interested in this kind of technology and I'll be watching this with interest, although I think I'd of started with some of Tesla's ideas.
Justin Time wrote: Scientists, unfortunately, are ridiculed and even cast aside from their peers (i can't spell ostricised :roll: ) for even suggesting that any of the current 'laws' are incorrect or outdated. (if it isn't in a text book. it can't be true).. Not good for progression.
As true as this may be (and I do think it is true) it has also been the shout of every quack selling their device of the week. When it gets disproved they claim "the man" is keeping their discoveries hidden for their own purposes. Then that becomes a kind of proof in itself, because if their device didn't work why would big oil/big pharma/insert own here be trying to hide it? Gets difficult to tell the difference.
Justin Time

Re: Energy from the vacuum - Bedini

Post by Justin Time »

Yeah, there are a few nutjobs out there. Still, an open mind is what's called for here. Everything looks above board and we'll know, hopefully this time next month.

Here's the circuit and parts list:


Parts and Materials List

Alligator Clip Leads
Batteries (Rechargeable)
Bicycle Wheel Rim - Or Other Rotor Device
Coil Core (cut up copper coated welding rods)
Coil Spool
Diode (D1) - 1N4001, 1A, 50V. (may use 1N914)
Diode (D2) – 1N4007, 1A, 1000V (may use 1N5408)
Heat Sink
Hookup Wire
Grain of Wheat Bulb (optional)
Magnet Wire - Trigger wire: no smaller than AWG#26, no bigger than AWG#21.
Power wire: no smaller than AWG#23, no bigger than AWG#18.
Magnets - Ceramic grade 5 or 8; dimensions: 1" x 2" x 3/8" inches. (25mm x 50mm x 18mm)
Quantity - 16 for a 24-inch wheel.
Neon Lamp
Resistor (R1) – 100 ohms, ½ watt.
Resistor (Potentiometer)– 1K ohms, 2 watt.
Transistor - 2N3055, 100V, TO-3 case; fully metal (may use MJL21194)

Here's a link to a PDF which gives an intro the SSG ... 0V1.01.pdf
Justin Time

Re: Energy from the vacuum - Bedini

Post by Justin Time »

Waiting for magnets to be delivered

Re: Energy from the vacuum - Bedini

Post by Bladerunner »

Not sure if what you are reffering to is the same as Zero Point Energy but Einstein came up with that in about 1917.
The Nazis totally ignored Einstein because of his Jewish background and went down a completely different road following Tesla.
They were streets ahead of the allies towards the end of the war but it was too little too late. America nicked a lot of their scientists and took them back the states to work on their projects however, Russia got the best ones and that is why they had so many more fists in space, I think it was over 30.
There are people running their cars on water and other people who have harnessed the power of water but as long as there are billions to be made from fossil fuel the big companies will never allow this to take off on any major scale.
I'm afraid it's down to people like you to keep this thing going and I wish you all the luck in the world.
Tesla was a genius and it was only when his backers (J.P.Morgan being one) discovered he wanted to give the energy away for free that he was dropped like a hot brick and left to rot.
And yes, you are correct that he could transmit electricity over long distances with no wires. One of his ideas was to transmit it to ships crossing the atlantic. The guy wasn't years ahead of his time, he was decades and possibly centuries ahead.

Science ridicules anyone who sticks their head out of the bubble and then years later they accept the idea but the original person has died pennyless and ostrich sized. (I can't speel it either) :lol:

China, fortunately, isn't controlled by corporations so they are very open to Zero Point Energy and it's potential. Go China!

Be lucky

Re: Energy from the vacuum - Bedini

Post by i_am_jim »

sounds very interesting, can't wait to see/hear more about it.

Re: Energy from the vacuum - Bedini

Post by MedicHerbalist »

Best of luck!! You are trying to break the First Law of Thermodynamics. This is a fundamental law of the universe and how our reality works. If you succeed you will not only be a boon to preppers but an absolute shoe-in for a Noble Prize in applied physics. It would turn every scientific institution in the world on its head. All text-books would need to be re-written. ( Newton, LaPlace, and Lagrange would all be wrong)

Dude!!! - that's a big ask. But the reality is that many advances have come from mavericks rejecting orthodox thinking. I watch with interest and look forward to your results.