What preps for next year ?

How are you preparing
Carrot Cruncher

What preps for next year ?

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

Ok, once we finally get xmas out the way, what new preps are you planning over the next 12 months ?

Biggest prep I'm planning is a move to the east coast, a bit of land and no (or very little) Mortgage before the interest rates go back up

Looking at getting a Weza (or similar) for charging bits and pieces

Build a Soundproof box for my generator. It's fine for normal outages but would attract too much attention if I needed to keep a low profile

Do my foundation course and get a Ham Radio

Get a decent Air Rifle

Keep building up food stocks

Increase the network of Prepper minded peeps I am in contact with and hopefully meet up with some.

So what are you all planning ?

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Re: What preps for next year ?

Post by hobo »

Think I'll be refining my existing preps - I have too many of some things and not enough of others. So look out for several sales I'll be making in the new year (including a couple of Wezas!).

I want to get more into mylar storage and canning. So far I've just dipped my toes in these.

Won't be making any major purchases but do intend to significantly up my stock of batteries (AA + AAA).

Had a rough time with illness this year so I'm hoping to get out in the fresh air and build up my family's experience of camping.


Re: What preps for next year ?

Post by Bulldog »

I need to improve my comms skills.
Keep praticing fieldcraft skills.
Continue to build up food stores and home preps.
Carrot Cruncher

Re: What preps for next year ?

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

Field craft, thats something I need to improve on as well. Preserving is also an area I need to look into (canning, smoking etc). I had plans to preserve some of the stuff I grew this year but the harvest was such a dismal failure it was a waste of time. Hopefully with a years experience I will do better this year

Re: What preps for next year ?

Post by Bulldog »

Carrot Cruncher wrote:Field craft, thats something I need to improve on as well. Preserving is also an area I need to look into (canning, smoking etc). I had plans to preserve some of the stuff I grew this year but the harvest was such a dismal failure it was a waste of time. Hopefully with a years experience I will do better this year

Everything we grew was eaten almost straight away , so it wasnt exactly a bumper harvest either :lol:

Re: What preps for next year ?

Post by Huorn »

Saving our pennies for a new galvanised chassis for the landy, be nice to have that back on the road!

Solar hot water panels would be good.

Ham radio is looking very attractive, so a foundation course and kit for that. Getting a CB for vehicles would be good too.

Making more use of the orchard, we only really use it as an apiary. Be good to get the apple tree back in proper production and add pear trees etc too.

Look closer at getting chickens.

There's much more to do, but that should keep me out of mischief next year!


Re: What preps for next year ?

Post by preservefreak »

Well next year will be a big year prep-wise for me. I've only just started to get my preps together so 2011 is going to be an expensive one for us. Obviously I need to bulk up my food and water supplies beyond the short term. I did a short inventory a few weeks back and I have the ingredients for 2 months (ish) worth of breakfast and main meals, plus lots of snacky bits and enough flour to make a loaf of bread every 2 days for a month. I want to double that this year as well as double up to 2 months worth of stored water.

In terms of equipment I want to upgrade my cooking and water filtration stuff. I currently use a small camping stove and filter, I want to get a decent portable wood stove and a large capacity water filter (almost certainly a berkefeld but I'm not sure whether to buy or make one).

I need to work on my knowledge/training. I want to learn some woodland skills and also I am thinking about getting into shooting. I expect this to cost a lot of money so I think this will have to wait till the end of the next year.

Lastly I am determined to convert my scrappy note books full of recipes to word docs and share them here. This will take a while in between Uni work so please bare with me on this.

Re: What preps for next year ?

Post by Magz »

Gona get into mylar storage and canning, got a list as long as my arm of stuff to get,spring garden, air rifle, learn how to get the bloody string on the bow :roll:
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Re: What preps for next year ?

Post by diamond lil »

Def want to improve the veg garden, grow more fruit, want chickens, want to menu plan and cut down food costs & waste. Need to take more exercise (when the snow goes away) and get fitter. :mrgreen:
urban fox

Re: What preps for next year ?

Post by urban fox »

First let me say happy christmas and I hope you all have a great new year!! refining my preps has to be done.. and also have to find a good temp BOL it seems that next year is going to be very different from this one in a great many ways...
i do want to improve on my fitness...
one thing is very clear however and it could be good or bad but because of my familys attitude towards prepping.... not my immediate family but more extended!!! it would appear that the people I know and associate with now will not be the same people I encounter and ally with post SHTF!!!
this fact fills me with both worry and wonder!!!....
looked at in the cold light of day it seems all too clear that preppers are very much on their own!!!
what are your views!!!