How much is enough?

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture
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How much is enough?

Post by jansman »

Just got some teabags from my main stash. We have a lot!

Now our storage here at Chez Jansman consist of three parts;
1. The walk- in pantry in our Victorian house
2. The converted coal shed outside( two freezers and shelves ceiling to floor)
3. The garden and livestock, all producing like mad at the moment.

It has taken ten yrs. to get to this point, and like Ian , we are just at a maintenance level i.e. just rotate and replace. After checking it all after a shopping trip, I realised that even if I wanted to stash more, it would expire before use. So ENOUGH!

What do you consider enough food storage to be-for YOU?
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Robert Frost.

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Re: How much is enough?

Post by tigs »

work out what you think you need the double it! it still wont be enough!!
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Re: How much is enough?

Post by Arzosah »

Love this. Fascinated by it - tho I'm very glad to hear its taken you ten years to get to this point, because I'm, um, nowhere near. Nor am I near to my own "enough" point. But I'll be checking responses :)

Re: How much is enough?

Post by skippy »

jansman wrote:What do you consider enough food storage to be-for YOU?
Its a good question. I think you can get a bit caught up in the moment and prep an over supply, or misestimate and not store enough.

We have 3 freezers which average about 200 kg of meat in them and as well as that we have a store of 3 months prepping food. so we are probably good for about 4-5 months.
The likelyhood of needing that much food is low, so I would consider us well supplied and ready
The big "if" is to do with what you prep for. If we are talking about teotwawki then we are woefully underprepared. But if we are talking about a power cut or winter snows .... then we are grossly over prepped.

Take your pick

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Re: How much is enough?

Post by Arzosah »

Skippy, how will you power the freezers in a power cut, do you have a generator?

Re: How much is enough?

Post by skippy »

Arzosah wrote:Skippy, how will you power the freezers in a power cut, do you have a generator?
We have PV panels, a wind turbine and a standby generator.
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Re: How much is enough?

Post by jansman »

Arzosah wrote:Love this. Fascinated by it - tho I'm very glad to hear its taken you ten years to get to this point, because I'm, um, nowhere near. Nor am I near to my own "enough" point. But I'll be checking responses :)
Don' get anxious about it. Ours has been a gradual build up, both food and equipment. Like skippy says, the chance of needing all this IS remote. Whatever you have stocked AUTOMATICALLY puts you in front of the herd! :D
To be frank, some of the equipment I have is overkill, and if I started again I think My purchases would be a bit more measured :lol:
At this moment our household is going through a period of change ( that's understatement of the week!) and all these physical preps will help immensely. Also my MENTAL preps and attitude ( I think) are even MORE important.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.


Re: How much is enough?

Post by Juvecu »

As a relatively "new" prepper this is the question I struggle with most. I don't have any issues figuring out which equipment I will need for different scenarios, but figuring out what enough water/food/toilet paper/medicine/etc. equates to is difficult.

I must say I envy you, well done :) I'd love to live completely self sufficient in the future, but getting there is a long road.

Re: How much is enough?

Post by skippy »

Juvecu wrote:figuring out what enough water/food/toilet paper/medicine/etc. equates to is difficult.
Its a tricky one but the information is out there on the forum
No. of calories per day
No. of ltrs of water per day
How much toilet paper etc etc
Multiply by the no. of people you are prepping for and the no. of days you will (for any given senario) be off the grid.
= total supplies required.

The trick is to understand WHAT it is you are prepping for. (war, financial breakdown, asteroid strike, zombies)
Then this will give you a target of a number of days the infrastructure will be in tatters.

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Re: How much is enough?

Post by unsure »

i`m aiming for 3/6 months , it realy don`t matter if its a realy bad winter or unemployment .if i don`t have to worry about feeding my wife and myself then all the better ,that gives me space to think about whats next .
as for zombies , all gets said about these and people laugh about it , but have you seen all the people just wandering around after any kind of major disaster with no idea as to what to do or were to turn next , these are the zombies to worry about not the tv version of the living dead .
YES i walked away mid sentence , you were boring me to death and my survival instincts kick in .