Bug in or bug out

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Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Haplo2481 »

Hi, I'm male, single and live in town, but within a mile of the woods. I'd have to to say that I'd bug in for as long as possible. I don't have a secure base to bug out to - only a couple of isolated, defensible woodland areas. My time in the army taught me that it's not much fun being out in the field for any amount of time and I don't see living in the woods as a viable long term option. My main intention is to stay hunkered down and keep out of sight. Half my family live within three miles and would come to me. We'd bug out only if we couldn't "persuade" people to leave us alone! My long term plan is to buy a place in the country, but that's a few years off.
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Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by desertman »

I wrote an article on this subject some time back - you can access it here...

As you will see and realise it is a complex issue and depends on many factors....
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Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Arzosah »

I'd be bugging in - single, female, ridiculous to think of me surviving for any length of time bugging out in the woods. If I got burned out or whatever, I'd head to my sister's. If i can survive the die off without getting caught up in riots or a firestorm or whatever, then I'd be scavenging, foraging, growing my own and using yet-to-be-acquired post-apocalyptic skills :) :oops: to find a group that wanted me - or maybe one would grow out of contacts on here (skills such as shooting prey, first aid, vet skills, that sort of thing).
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Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Maddie_cat »

This is interesting. You read all the US books and they all talk about bugging out and going to "Grandma's House" yet here we all look set to bug in. I wonder if this is a reflection on the fact that there are very few areas in the UK which are genuinely free of any other human!

Like Plympton, I have all my stores here plus all my poultry so seems sensible to remain here.
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Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Moony »

Property (especially land) is soo much cheaper in the US that a larger section of society can afford to buy a 2nd home, or at least some vacant rural plot for a caravan, which is simply not an option for alot of people here. I'd love to have a little rural hideaway somewhere nearby with no near neighbours but plenty of land..but I don't have the 150k ? 200k ? more? depending on location to make it happen.

So, in answer to the topic, I too will be bugging in. That being said I've just paid off the mortgage on this (urban) house, so I'm looking at a bit of woodland to invest in. It's not nearby (local woods are currently selling at nearly £20k/acre!), and I wouldnt bug-out there, but it'll be nice for some weekend camping and practising bushcraft / shooting / archery etc !
I'm in Area 7 !

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Constantine »

I'm male, married, with two kids; I live in an urban city.

My plan is, if possible, to bug out. I think I would emigrate west, towards (or into) Wales. I haven't entirely got an idea of where I would go (for definite) yet, but it would probably be up to North Wales and near(-ish) to the sea, but away from some of the larger cities.

I was thinking of making a Google maps destination, where I avoid going through the towns and go through the A, B, and regular roads as much as possible. Since I don't have a car at the moment, it seems a bit, well, dangerous to bug out though -- but I expect it'd be a lot safer in the long run to bug out than it would bug in here.
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Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by jansman »

I am a married man with two daughters in their late teens. Rural, paid for and set- up for off grid living. I sweated blood to get this place, and unless the unthinkable happens, we are staying put.
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Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by SilentPartner »

I think it all depends on what causes the shtf event. For most i think we will bug in where possible. If we do need to bug out we have places where we can go to tho.

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Accidentman »


I'm married, early 40's, 2 kids under 4 years old, live in a flat not big enough to store supplies.

We would bug out, simply no option in a major shtf situation.

Live on the outskirts of a medium sized city (Nottingham) and have posted a question about where to bug out to (would post a link to that, but not sure how).

I only see strength in numbers, and from what I can see as an area 8 person, there is no strength in numbers in my city.

Guess I will have to take over and defend somewhere myself....
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Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Maddie_cat »

Accidentman wrote:Guess I will have to take over and defend somewhere myself....
One of the things about bugging out is that most survivalists advise (a) having somewhere identified to bug out to so you are not wandering around aimlessly and (b) starting to stock stores there.

I think I said in an earlier post that there are very few areas in the UK that Man has not colonised so I do not think there are any areas that are truly safe. I live on the edge of Exmoor and whilst that may sound ideal, any manmade shelter would be seen for miles around.

Accidentman - have you ID's a shelter? RU stocking there? If it is outside, how RU stocking (and protecting) your stores there?
I'm in Area 1