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Post by unsure »

how much is enough , ive just got 9kg`s from tesco for £6 .thats 3X3 kg bags @£2 each .
ive also got a about 10kg`s in the usual bags and string spagetti 6 pkts .
i`m thinking of going again tomorrow and getting another 30kg`s .
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Re: pasta

Post by tigs »

it depends how long your going to live i guess!!!! :D
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Re: pasta

Post by Plymtom »

It is all a question of balance, pasta would be little use without enough water to go with it as well as what you are going to have it with, bugging in, we are relying a lot on tinned foods as well as long life rice packs which only need heating, if the mains water fails we have to keep consumption down, it's also a fuel issue with pastas and rice, how much fuel does it take to cook the stuff if the utilities go off, just imagine a years’ worth of hexamine blocks, gas cartridges you would need (per person).

Bearing this in mind we try and have an educated guess based on what we eat and drink now along with how much TP and how many bags to poo in :lol: then try and move the whole thing forward a week or a month at a time, then the question of what is enough becomes more when will we run out of space? Also when does the point for each foods shelf life coupled with keeping up with rotating it and eating it in the here and now come? We won’t be throwing much away if we can help it, if we were rich we would simply find a needy cause and donate what we could not get through ( or didn't want to because a survival diet in normal circumstances may not be the most healthy, nor appetizing)

I think the only estimation you cloud use as a yard stick, would be one of those online which lists all you would need for any given period of time, other than that you really have to have a stab at guessing for yourself, based on your situation covering your most likeley scenario(s) :)
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.

Re: pasta

Post by preppingsu »

And will the pasta be the only staple food you are eating or will you be also using home grown potatoes? Personally I would keep adding but remember to rotate, rotate, rotate!!!!
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Re: pasta

Post by unsure »

potato`s are an option aswell , if you soke pasta before cooking ,it does reduce the cooking time ,
besides bolly , you can have just about anything with pasta ,tuna, meatballs ect .
as for rice , i have a fair bit of rice put back along with noodles of all varietys , even pot noodles /
alot of what i have is either tinned or prepacked packets ,even have some beetroot and red cabbage jars done by my dad .

as for how much i`d need to cook it , i do have a good amount of gas all ready , butane cans and bigger bottles also a propane tank in the garage ,another 80ltrs of lpg at the top of the garden .
lpg is for short term genny use .
YES i walked away mid sentence , you were boring me to death and my survival instincts kick in .