Wild, edible foods?

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture

Wild, edible foods?

Post by Constantine »

So I'm new to this. I've been told to seek out a survival expert, or find a book. I haven't had any luck.

So how can I know what things in the UK that grow wildly are edible, versus which are not?

What do we think about a 'wild food' thread, with pictures of what you can eat (and what you can't eat)? Yay, nay, be quiet and go into the corner you illiterate buffoon...? :D

Re: Wild, edible foods?

Post by the7ps »

Ha ha, great idea mate.

I have just started looking into this. So; just to make sure the works colour printer still worked ;) I went on to google, then advanced search and searched for PDF documents only and there were loads. Ive printed off a few.

We've started already. I am a complete novice but one quick flick through the PDF's and I realised that the next door neighbours house (which is empty) has a Sloe tree. So, today I bought castor sugar, gin and all I need now is anyones take on a recipe? It looks simple but anyone know anything different or 'tried and tested' that works well?

Let Constatines good thread commence...
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Re: Wild, edible foods?

Post by Arzosah »

Wild foods are really important, I think. I like the idea of guerrilla planting too.

What I've harvested this year? Blackberries, plums, apples. Beech leaves are edible, but it took me too long to identify them this year, you're advised just to eat young ones, so I missed the season. The berries on hawthorn bushes can be made into a jam/chutney. Loads of oak trees round here, but I'm not going to bother with acorns, all that faffing about rinsing them, no way. I'd love to know a use for horse chestnuts, tho - I know you can make a medicinal tincture, but I'm wondering if there's any way to prepare them so that they're more like sweet chestnuts. And I'd love to find a sweet chestnut tree locally. Or a walnut tree. Mahonia berries are edible (and are found in many parks) could make a jam ... there's a wild cobnut tree locally, which I'll have a go at and let you know.

There's a parade of sloe trees local to me - I made chutney last year, but I had to put so much sugar in, I might as well have made jam. I'm going to try make just a fruit syrup this year, see if I can use it as a seasoning.

As far as a book is concerned, you couldn't do better than Alys Fowler, the redhead off Gardener's World, the title is The Thrifty Forager :)

The big gap in my education is the greens - miner's lettuce, good king henry, all that - between the cats and dogs weeing on them, and the pesticides that the landscaping people put down, I don't fancy them, not right now.

Re: Wild, edible foods?

Post by Constantine »

the7ps wrote:Ha ha, great idea mate.
:D Thanks!

Sloe tree:

Right? I always thought these were inedible; poisonous even. That's what I've been told.

Beech leaves?

Wait; these are Hawthorn bush berries??
I've been told these are poisonous too!


Can these all be eaten raw?

How can I tell the difference from these to ones which may look similar which, well, aren't?
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Re: Wild, edible foods?

Post by pseudonym »

I take this with me every time I go out:

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Collins-Gem-Foo ... 0007183038

A good little guide
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Re: Wild, edible foods?

Post by Arzosah »

Sloe berries *definitely* aren't poisonous - they've been used to make sloe gin for years and years.

Beech leaves - I *think* thats beech, I'm not sure. I'm no expert!

Hawthorn - check this out http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-hawthorn-berry.html I *think* Alys Fowler says the leaves are bad for you, and you shouldn't overdose on the berries (haws) - if they're strong enough to be medicinal, after all, they need to be treated with respect. Here's another reference: http://www.naturalnews.com/035685_hawth ... ealth.html
Lovely pic of the little sparrer, by the way!

Mahonia - the pic you've found, my mahonia looks similar to that, but not identical, I don't think its the same (sub?) species - what I'm referring to has spikes of yellow flowers, which then become berries. Can't be eaten raw, though, I'm pretty sure.

Research! One little post by someone you don't know on a forum (i.e. me!) is not enough! Look at websites you trust, RHS, get a book you trust - pseudonym has put a link on to the Collins Gem, here's my link to The Thrifty Forager: http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Thrifty-For ... 885&sr=8-1

Hope this helps :)
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Re: Wild, edible foods?

Post by Maddie_cat »

the7ps wrote:So, today I bought castor sugar, gin and all I need now is anyones take on a recipe? It looks simple but anyone know anything different or 'tried and tested' that works well?
First, freeze your sloes then, before you make the gin, defrost them. This bursts their skins. Alternatively, you have to prick each one with a needle - so much easier freezing them.

General rule of thumb, 1lb sloes to one bottle gin (70cl). Leave for a few weeks then add sugar to yoru personal taste. Leave the gin for between 1-7 years before siphoning off and consuming - and the longer you wait, the smoother it is. Either drink it on its own as a thick sweet liqueur or with tonic. Magic!

Do not throw the sloes away though - bung back into the pot and add sherry, preferably a medium or sweet sherry (so you don't have to add sugar).
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Re: Wild, edible foods?

Post by Constantine »

Arzosah wrote:Sloe berries *definitely* aren't poisonous - they've been used to make sloe gin for years and years.
Is there anything else we can use for non-drinkers?

I'm going to have to get these books. :D

Re: Wild, edible foods?

Post by the7ps »

Thank you Maddie_cat, its much appreciated.

I'm off to pick them today. Freezer it is!

On another note, not that I would of course but... has anyone ever picked corn cobs from the field? On my running route there is a MASSIVE corn field and yesterday I got to thinking about when they would be ready. (for the farmer to pick of course) ;)
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Re: Wild, edible foods?

Post by junmist »

the books I use are wild food for free by Jonathan Hilton Food form the Wild by Ian Burrows and The Wild Food Year Book ( has recipies as well) by Country kitchen and don't forget a good herb book :)
Non alcohlic drink Elderberry Cordial
2ltr of destalked elderberries 1kg(2lb) sugar 1tsp cloves.
Put the elderberries in a large pan and add water so that the fruit is just covered and stew for 15 minutes on a medium heat. Strain of the fruit and add the sugar and cloves. Boil for a further 15 minutes and then allow to cool. Pour into steriles bottles and seal. If you use plastic bottles the cordial can be frozen for use later in the year :D
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